Chapter 24

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Christmas came a lot quicker this year. It was currently Christmas Eve, my mother and father had planned a Christmas ball. A lot of business owners were invited. Mother had planned it big this year, forcing Alex to help her decorate. I still remembered the look my principessa had given me the moment mother had told her of the ball and how she wanted Alex's help. 

"Grazie." I said to Sarah, our maid, as she handed me the suit my mother had bought me. I opened the zip to the bag that was holding the suit. The suit was white with a baby blue shirt. I placed the suit on the bed and walked out the room. I had a few hours until I needed to be ready,  My sister being herself, had dragged my wife into her room for the both of them to get ready. We still had 3 hours, but Valentina insisted that they needed more time to get ready. I would never understand why the female population required this much time to get ready. 

I walked out of my bedroom, walking into my home office. Mateo was sat on the couch waiting for me. "Fratello," I greeted him as I walked behind the desk to sit in my chair. (Brother- I do not speak Italian so correct me if anything is incorrect)

"Devi firmare quei documenti." Mateo tells me, (You need to sign those papers.) " Tuo padre ti ha anche chiesto di organizzare un incontro con Jasper Thompson." (father also requested you to arrange a meeting with Jasper Thompson). 

"I will get that all done now." I told him. "Is there any update on the Anderson situation? has he said anything about me getting his company?" He shakes his head. 

"Did you get your outfit for tonight?" He asks, I nod in return. "Fratello, may I ask for some advice?" 

"What is it?" I ask. 

"There is this girl," he starts, "I like her, but she hates me."

"Why does she hate you?" I say, signing the paper placed on the desk. 

"I may or may not have called her a bitch when I first saw her." He blurts. 

"Explain?" I look up at him. 

"She owns a coffee shop near the company. I went a few weeks ago to buy a coffee before work. she spilt coffee on me, so I called her a bitch. Now every time I go in she doesn't even look my way." He says. 

"Damn bro, you're fucked." I tell him. "But I don't even know what to say, I was a dick myself." 

Before I had seen Alexandria I was a complete douchebag. I would fuck girls and leave them the next morning. I would treat them like absolute shit, not giving any fuck about their feelings or who they were. I didn't give a fuck about them. 

"I don't know what to do, fratello. Per favore, aiutatemi." (brother, please, help me.)

"You got to apologise first." I told him, "I would suggest speaking to our sister and Alex about this." 

He nodded, "I guess it's time to get ready." I look at the time, agreeing with him. Time had gone by very fast. I closed the lip of my pen, placing it along with my other pens before leaving the office. I walked down the hallway, stopping outside my sister's bedroom as I could hear the sounds of the two girls giggling. 

"Omg he's so sexy." I heard Alex say. She thought someone other than me was sexy? My hand moved to the handle, opening the door. The girl's were sat on Val's bed, their back's facing me. 

"Who's sexy?" I said, they both jumped up in shock. 

"OMG Leo, you scared us." Val says. 

"I don't care." I glared, I looked towards Alex, "Who did you say Is sexy principessa." 

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