Chapter 3

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- Alexandria-

"Why did you run off, you know dad is pissed," Aiden said, once I had sung a few songs, I made my way off the stage, allowing the band to play. "He's also going to be pissed for playing with the band without even informing him." 

"It's not even that big of a deal." I shrugged, making my way to my parents. 

"Oh there you are Alexandria," Father said with the face, I knew what he was going to do when we had got home. 

"You were so good honey, you sounded like an angel." Mother said from his side. Sometimes I wondered how my mother got stuck with the devil. 

"Thanks mother." I smiled. I grabbed a champagne glass from the waiter's tray before bringing the glass to my lips. 

"I hope everything is okay Mr Anderson," I turned to see a man stood in front of me. He was beautiful, he had dark brown hair, his green eyes were so hypnotising, he stood around 6'5 tall. Just looking at the man brought me arousal and- 

"Everything's fine Mr Moretti." Moretti! "Ah, this is my daughter Alexandria."

He took my hand in his, pressing his lips gently to the back of my hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Leonardo Moretti." I simply gave a smile, before stepping back to stand directly with Aria. 

"Well it was nice to see you again, I'm going to go mingle with other people." He said before walking away from us. 

"Ah wasn't he nice," Father said. 

"As if," I scoffed, "I'm going to my friends." I began making my way towards Lavender, seeing that they were no longer on the stage. 

"You have a lovely voice," I turned to see none other than Leonardo Moretti. 

"Thank you Mr Moretti," I smiled, but anyone would be able to tell it was a fake smile. 

"Call me Leonardo," he whispered, taking a step closer to me. "Now where have you been all my life." 

"Enjoying my own, thanks." I smiled back at him. 

"Feisty, I like it." He says, "I hope to see you again principessa."

"I never forget a face, but in your case, I'll be glad to make an exception." I blew a kiss leaving him stranded in the middle of the ballroom. 

"Who was that sexy man I just saw you talking to?" Carter says as I approach them. 

"Oh that annoying piece of shit?" I turned back to see Leonardo staring at me, "Leonardo Moretti."

"The Leonardo Moretti?" Lavender shrieked. 

"OMG, calm down." 

"He's even sexier in person." she sighed staring back at him. 

"Are we going to acknowledge the fact that he's still staring at you?" Carter said. "Anyways, I'll leave you to it, I'm going to mingle." I turned around to see that he was speaking to my father again. 

I faced back at Lavender, only to see her wiggling her eyes at me. "Oh shut it." 

"So, how you been?" she asked. "Did he do it again?" 

"Last night when I got back home, he was waiting in my bedroom, and then he whipped me." I sighed. 

"I'm going to kill him." 

"You can't you'll get sent to jail." I grabbed her arms. 

"You need to tell someone." 

"I know and I will," I sighed.

"That was amazing." I felt a hand wrap around my neck, I looked up, seeing that Gabe had wrapped his arms around me. 

"We are definitely having more people book us," Mike said. 

"You look real ugly tonight Anderson," Gabe scoffed beside me. 

"Ugliness can be fixed, stupidity is forever." I shot back at him. 

"Oh dude, you got burned." Mike laughed from the side. 

"Yeah now he's lost for words." Lavender laughed. 

"I think you hurt his ego a little bit too much." Mike said. 

"Mike and I are going to hand these out," Gabe said, showing us the colourful leaflets he had made last night. 

"Yeah you two losers do that," I laughed. 

"Ugh, you can literally see the sexual chemistry between the two of you." Lavender started, "I don't know why you can't get together already." 

"You know I don't see him like that." I replied. 

"But you can tell he likes you," she replied. 

"Who likes Alex?" my sister said, making her way towards us. "Hey Lav." 

"Ah finally you're here, was thinking when you were going to show up." lavender said to Aria giving her a hug. 

"So, who likes Alex?" Aria says wiggling her eyebrows. 


"No he does not." I shot back. 

"Omg he does!" Aria said. 

"Not you aswell," I sighed, leaving the two of them, making my way to the food. 


"Damn I love a woman who can eat." I turned my head, shoving the mini burger into my mouth. 

"Do I know you?" I lifted an eyebrow at him. 

"Micah Valentino, nice to meet you," he held out an hand. 

"I'm sorry while you were talking, I was trying to figure where the hell you got the idea that I cared." I grabbed another mini burger, before leaving him standing there clueless. 

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