Chapter 42

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I watched as the girl lay lifeless of the hospital bed, her hair was brunette and her wrists were covered in bandages. Her skin looked pale. But I couldn't see her face, it wasn't covered or anything, the girl had no face at all. I watched as a man sat beside her, holding her hand tight, praying for her to wake up, he also had no facial features. Not wanting to loose her. 'Principessa' is what he called her. Hearing the words come out of his mouth, seemed all too similar, as if I heard those exact words before. 


My body jolted awake as my alarm went off, I quickly hit snooze before making way into the shower. I quickly washed my body and my hair before wrapping a towel around my lower half and walking out of the bathroom. I walked into my closet, grabbing a pair of my black slacks, I put them on after putting on my Calvin Klein boxer briefs. I grabbed a black shirt from the hanger, and walked in front of the mirror, to begin buttoning the shirt. 

I stared at the tattoo placed on my right chest, I had noticed it before, but I never remembered when I had gotten the tattoo, or what it had even meant. It was a small crown with the word 'principessa' written below it. 

I quickly shook my head, before buttoning up the shirt, leaving the top two buttons undone. I wrapped my grey Rolex around my right wrist. I put on my black shoes before making my way downstairs. "Good morning Mama." I smile at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. 

"Good morning my baby." She says, passing me a cup full of coffee. 

"When are you going to bring Alex round, I miss seeing her face." Mama says to Val. 

"I'll bring her round soon, she's just a little upset after what happened." Val replies. 

"What happened to her?" I ask becoming curious.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Val looks at me. "Anyways, I've got to go." She says, grabbing her bag and coat from beside her before giving mama a hug and a kiss on my cheek and begins to leave the house. 

"Ow." I scream in pain as I feel a stinging sensation on my arm. I look at mother who is holding a wooden spoon in her hand. "What was that for?" 

"You know what that was for, you don't even call me." She claims, "Mateo told me what you had said yesterday." 

"I'm sorry Mama." I apologised, "Anyways, I've got to go, I'm late." 

I quickly ran out of the house, after pressing another kiss to my mother's forehead, I jumped into my car before driving to my location. I had been offered to do an interview. 

Once I had arrived, I had met Mateo outside and we walked in together. "Okay, just a little warning, no one knows of your amnesia, and you are of course married to Alexandria, so you'll need to act like you are, even though you are but anyways yeah." He tells me. 

"Ahhhh Leonardo Moretti." Jamieson says, Jamieson was the owner of this show. "I'm so glad you're back." 

"As am i." I tell him, shaking his hand. 

"Where's the wife?" He asks. 

"She's on her way." Mateo says as I look at him in confusion. I could have sworn I was doing this alone. 

"Yeah you know how women are, love taking their time getting ready." I say, still confused. 

"Okay anyways, while we wait for her, I'll brief you guys in. We go on air in 30 minutes, we'll do a small interview and then head on to playing the games." Jamieson explains. 


"Welcome back to the Jamieson show," Jamieson says, as Alexandria and I stand backstage, waiting for him to call us onto the stage. 

I look down at Alexandria who has a fear expression on her face, "What's wrong?" 

"I may or may not have stage fright." I whispers. 

"My first time having an interview, I vomited on the lady who was getting me ready." I tell her. 

"Really?" She looks up at me with a smile. 

"Yup, Mateo and Micah will never let me forget that memory." I chuckle at her, "I'm here beside you, you'll be okay." 

I grab her hand in mine and intertwine our fingers, giving her a small squeeze. "May I introduce Leonardo and Alexandria Moretti." Jamieson says as the audience break into screams. I lead Alexandria onto the stage, our hands still intertwined. We take a seat on the couch beside Jamieson. 

"It's so nice to have you back here Leonardo, and Welcome to my show Alexandria." Jamieson says. 

"I'm glad to be here." Alexandria smiles at him. 

"So the fans want to know if there are any babies popping out soon." Jamieson wiggles his brows at us. 

I let out a nervous laugh, looking down at Alexandria who has a frown placed on her face. I knew she didn't want to answer the question, she was upset I would never remember her. "Not anytime soon, Alexandria is still very young, and I'm happy to wait until she's ready." I lie. 

"Understandable, So everyone was wondering, how you both met." Jamieson now asks. 

"I'll allow Alex to answer that." I say, not remembering how I had met her. 

"Okay, well, we had met at a party he was throwing. He had hired my band to perform a few songs at his party and well after I had performed he came up to me and had complimented me on the song and well from there it kind of blossomed." Alexandria explained as I zoned out. 

"You have a lovely voice," the man says, it was the same man from the hospital room. 

"Thank you Mr moretti." The faceless girl says. 

"Call me Leonardo." The male says, stepping closer to the girl, the male was me? "Now where have you been all my life?" 

"Enjoying my own, thanks." The girl smiles at me. 

"Fiesty I like it." I say to the girl, "I hope to see you agin principessa." 

"I never forget a face, but in your case, I'll be glad to make an exception." The faceless girl says and blows a kiss my way. 

"Leonardo?" I felt a nudge bring me back to reality. 

"Sorry, I kind of zoned out there." I apologised. So that meant the male in the hospital was me? 

"I was just asking Alexandria if you guys wanted to move onto the games." Jamieson suggested. 

"Of course." I say. 

"We'll be back right after the break." Jamieson says into the camera. 


"Okay we're going to play a game of who's most likely to." Jamieson says. He hands Alexandria and I pictures of our faces. "Here's the rules for those who do not know," He begins to explain. 

I look over to Mateo who is waiting beside the stage, I mouth at him what am I supposed to do? 

He simply shrugs in response. "Okay, Who's most likely to wake up at 5am." Jamieson starts. 

Easy. Me. I show the picture of my face and look down at Alexandria who had also shown the picture of me. 

"Who's started the most arguments?" Jamieson asks. 

I look down at Alexandria, to see her showing a picture of myself. I look at her in confusion. "What do you mean I created the most arguments." I ask. 

"Do you maybe want to recall the time you purposely took my purse and all my cards and hide them so I couldn't use my own money." She sasses. 

"It's called being a gentleman Principessa." I blurt out. 

"What?" She whispers, looking up at me, "did you just-" 

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