Chapter 33

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hey guys... sorry for the slow update.. But I'm back :)


We had finally arrived back in New York after being away for a few days. I was glad to be back home and in my own bed. We had arrived this morning, and Leo wanted to take me out tonight. He had told me that he wanted to go on dates more with me. I wasn't sure if it was for 'publicity' as our last one was. But I wasn't bothered. I had just wanted to go out with him. 

After putting all our holiday clothes in the laundry, I quickly cleaned our penthouse. It hadn't been cleaned since I left. Leo said he wanted to get a maid, but I decided not to. I wanted to do these things myself, if I wasn't going to be continuing my education or work, I at least had something to do while I was home all day. 

Leo had run to work to check up on things, we had a few hours until it was time for our date. I quickly cleaned our bedroom, putting away both our clothes which had been washed. I dusted the room, unpacked all our things. I also began to clean out my vanity, It had become a mess. Make up was scattered everywhere. I carefully organised the make up and put them in the draws. 

Once I had finished cleaning, I decided to quickly wax my body. I had always done my own waxing, I had found it much easier. As I waited for my wax pot to heat up, I played some music. I was currently working on some new music for the band, I was actually struggling so much. Which sucked. 

Once the wax had melted, I began with my legs, I had always found waxing satisfying. I then continued on my bikini and then my arm pits. I looked over at the time, which showed it was currently 5pm. I had an hour and a half until Leo would be here to pick me up. I quickly cleaned up the wax and then jumped into the shower. 


I walked out of the bedroom, hearing Leo's voice through the penthouse. I had finished getting ready. I was dressed in a white knitted jumper dress, with a pair of black heeled knee high boots. I paired the outfit with a black Gucci belt and my black long coat. I had also grabbed my black Gucci bag to match the belt. Since it was still cold here in New York, I wanted to dress warm. "Principessa?" Leo says again. 

"I'm here." I say walking into the kitchen where he stood. "How was work?" I ask, pulling him into a hug. 

"It was okay, My assistant had everything sorted so I didn't have much to do." He says, kissing my forehead. "Should we get going?" 

I nod in response, allowing him to entwine his fingers into mine and we walked out of the penthouse and into the elevator. Leo pressed the car park, "You look so beautiful." 

"Thank you." I blushed, turning my face away. 

"Hey," He lifted my chin upwards to meet his face. "Don't hide your face from me." 

The elevator dinged, indicting we were at the car park, We walked out the doors and towards Leo's car. He opened my door for me, allowing me to get in before he got in his side. He reversed out the parking spot and drove out onto the road. "Where we going?" I asked, placing my hand into his. 

"A friend of mine just opened a restaurant not too far from here." He says. "so what did you do today?" 

"I cleaned the penthouse, and then I sorted out all my make up, threw away the ones I no longer needed and then waxed." I briefly explained to him. 

"Waxing for what?" He says with a smirk on his face. 

"Omg Leo don't get any ideas." I gasped. "Girls can do things like this for themselves you know." 

"So you're saying no sex tonight?" He places his hand on my bare thigh. 

"Nope." I smile at him, "No sex tonight." I shove his hand away, laughing. 

He pulls up in front of the restaurant, turning off the engine, and quickly got out, making his way to my side and helped me out. Leo then passed the Keys to the valet and grabbed my hand leading me inside. I looked around the restaurant in shock, it was beautiful, it wasn't a fancy restaurant but it was very trendy and aesthetic. "Reservation for Moretti." Leo says to the waiter stood by the door. 

The waiter looks through the list before nodding and grabbing two menus, leading us to a table. We both took a seat, looking through the menus, "could I offer you any wine?" The waiter says. 

Leo nodded. Finally he had allowed me to drink in his presence. I remembered the first time we came on our date, he had told the waiter I was underage. The waiter filled our glasses with Red wine, before leaving us to look through the menus. 


"So since we didn't go on a honeymoon, I decided we should go somewhere." Leo says. We had finished our starters and were now on our main course meal. 

"Where are you thinking?" I asked. 

"That's a surprise." He smiles at me. "But-" He was cut off by my phone ringing. 

I looked down seeing it was Lavender calling me. "One second." I say to him, answering The phone. 

"Lav, I'm currently out with-" I began.

"Alex, check Instagram right now." She says, and then quickly ended the phone. 

I looked up at Leo in confusion and then headed onto instagram, I noticed I had a message from Lavender. She had forwarded me something. I clicked on the post. Latest News- looks like Leonardo Moretti had only married his current wife, Alexandria, in order to gain her father's company. He had plans to divorce her after achieving what he wanted. 

I looked at the phone in confusion. Surely this wasn't correct. I looked up at Leo who was looking at me with confusion. "What's wrong?" He asked. 

I turned the phone around, so he could see the phone. I watched as his eyes read the text, only gulping. My eyes widened, "Is this correct?" 

"Principessa, I-." 

"Is this correct Leo?" I cut him off, my voice getting louder. 

"Yes." He muttered. I shook my head at him, pushing my chair back, grabbing my coat and running out of the restaurant. How would I have been so stupid? I had literally fallen for a man who didn't even want me, he only wanted my father's company. He had used me. Tears streamed my face as I hurried down the streets. Running through the heavy rain. Hearing Leo's voice calling from behind me. 

I felt a hand grab my arm, turning me around. My eyes met Leo's, who's eyes were filled with guilt. "Principessa, please let me explain." 

"No." I yelled at him, "You don't get to call me that, you lied Leo, you lied to me." 

"I wanted to tell you, I promise, I just-" 

"No, You used me Leo, you used me in order to get my father's company. I told you everything, I trusted you, but I guess everything was a lie." I turned my body away from his, in hopes to get away from him, but he had grabbed my arm again. The streets were empty due to the heavy rain. I could feel myself getting drenched. 

"Alex please, let me explain everything." I looked into his eyes, which were also full of tears. 

"No, I don't want to hear it. You wanted my father's company Leo, you got that. You wanted a divorce after you achieved that, so you'll get your divorce." 

"Alex, no." He followed behind me. 

"Leo, leave me alone, I don't want you here. I don't want you anywhere near me." 

"Alex please don't do this." His voice cracked. 

"I hate you so much Leo. Don't contact me, my lawyers will send the papers." I said, walking away. I walked a few seconds, before turning around, noticing him walking away in the opposite direction. I quickly turned a corner, before sliding down the wall and finally bursting into tears. 

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