Chapter 9

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The wedding day had unfortunately arrived. I was no where near excited for this, being forced by both my father and my husband. I hadn't slept at all last night, I had stayed over at my own house since Leonardo wasn't allowed to see me before the wedding. Last night my father had beaten me again just as he had done on the night of the engagement party. It's as if he found some sort of pleasure in this. Beating and torturing his own blood, his eldest child, his own daughter. I looked around my empty bedroom, tears rolling down my eyes as all the memories of this bedroom flooded into my mind. 

"Hey, it's time to get ready." My mother peaked her head into my bedroom, "Hey, you okay?" 

She looked at me with worried eyes, taking my face into her palms, wiping away my tears. "I'm okay."

"Clearly you're not." Mother always knew whenever I was lying. 

"Just the memories of this bedroom, I'm going to miss it." I told her, that was half of the truth. 

"Okay, well it's 10am, you need to get into the shower, the make up artist is going to be here in half an hour." I got out of the bed, making my way into my bathroom. I cringed as I looked in the mirror, my eyes had heavy bags under them as I hadn't slept at all last night. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face before jumping into the shower. I had gone for a wax session yesterday with Valentina, Aria and Lavender. We had also got our nails done again and a facial. I didn't want to do any of it but Valentina insisted as it was the wedding day and this was going to be the only time I got married. But it wasn't to the man I loved. 

Once I had finished showering, I quickly applied some serums to my face and some moisturiser. This was the disadvantages of having dry skin, always having to moisturise your face as soon as it gets wet. I brushed my now wet hair and applied my hair serum. I put on the undergarments Aria had bought me, which was a red lace pair. She said and I quote "You've got to look sexy for your wedding night." I didn't want to do anything with him. I was still a virgin. I didn't want to give that part of me away to him. To a man I didn't even love. 

I walked back into my bedroom, noticing the make up artists had already set up their stuff in my room, but no one was here. I walked towards my bed, picking up my Bridal robe and placing it on. I felt insecure, all the bruises on my body from when my father had kicked and punched me last night. 

"Ah you're finally out." Valentina says walking into my room, followed by a few other girls. Whom I was assuming were for my make up and hair. "Sit down." Val told me. 

I took a seat in the middle of my bedroom, and allowed the make up artist to work on her magic. It wasn't long until she had finished her look. I looked over at the time and it was now 11:45, I only had an hour to get my hair done and into my outfit before we had to leave. 


I was now ready, and in my dress. I stood before the mirror. I no longer was able to recognise the girl who stood before me. She was wearing a long white dress, the dress had a laced bodice and flowed down from my waist. I was glad that the back covered my scars. The dress also had a long trail. My make up was done, simple with nudes. My hair was done in a low messy bun. Once I was ready, they pinned my vail into my hair and fixed it. "You look so beautiful." Aria told me. 

I smiled at her, she was wearing a champagne pink dress, along with Valentina and Lavender who were my bridesmaids. They wore the same colour but different designs. "You ready to leave?" Val asked. 

I nodded, I wasn't ready. I didn't want to leave. I desperately wanted to say I don't instead of I do. But I knew of the consequences. The girls helped me get out of the house and into the car. Once we had arrived at the venue, which was a country house, the girls helped me out of the car. I noticed my family waiting outside the house for me. "My girl, you look so beautiful." Mother told me. She was dressed in a lilac maxi dress, which she looked beautiful in. 

"Thank you mama." I told her. I watched as she walked into the venue, my father following behind her. I looked around, noticing the camera waiting outside the venue. Of course there were paparazzi here, this was the wedding of the century, New York's most eligible bachelor was finally getting married. Leonardo and I had come up with a story, we had been in love for a while and decided to get married. Our family wanted no one to know it was forced. 

"Aiden," I called him over. 

"You look so beautiful," I had noticed a few tears in his eyes. 

"Will you give me away?" I asked. 

"Of course I will," he cried as he hugged me, sobbing into my neck. 

"It's time to go in." Val told us. "Leo's just went in." 

I watched as the bridesmaids walked down the aisle and next it was my turn. I grabbed onto Aiden's arm, holding it as tight as I could. We began walking, the music played throughout the venue. Everyone watching in awe as I walked in with my brother. "Don't let me fall." I told him. 

"Never, I'll always be here to catch you." He told me. As soon as we made it to the front, Leonardo came towards us, Aiden gave me a quick hug before making his way to his seat. 

"We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish. " The priest started. 

" Do you Leonardo Maysen Moretti pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honour and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all the days of your lives?"

"I do." He said. This was it. 

"Do you Alexandria Anderson pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honour and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all the days of your lives?"

I gulped, Looking around, my eyes meeting my fathers and then meeting Leonardos, He squeezed my hands. "I do."

"May these rings be blessed as a symbol of your union. As often as either of you look upon these rings, may you not only be reminded of this moment, but also of the vows you have made and the strength of your commitment to each other. " He slipped his ring onto my finer, It was a silver ring with a Dimond in the middle. And I slipped his on. 

"Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have- the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." I gulped, not wanting to kiss him. I watched as he leaned down, placing a peck on my cheek, but to the audience, it looked like he had kissed me on the lips. 

He pulled away but the feeling of his lips on my cheek still lingered. "Ladies and Gents may I present MR and MRS Leonardo Moretti." We faced the crowd who had now bursted into cheers. A few pictures were taken by the photographers before we made our way down the aisle. 

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