Chapter 22

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"Leo." My voiced whispered. My throat was dry, I could barely get words out. I watched as he turned around, meeting my eyes. 

He rushed towards me, pushing the doctors out of the way, pulling me into a tight hug. "I thought I had lost you." I was confused, I thought he had a girlfriend, I thought he was speaking to that Chloe girl. 

"What happened?" I asked him sitting up so I was now at level with him. 

"You don't remember?" He asked. I shook my head, "I found you unconscious in your bathtub, bought you here straight away. You've been in a coma for a week Alex."

He shouldn't have saved me, I should be dead right now. I've already fallen for you. I like you so much Alex, and I hope that one day this like can turn into love. His words filled my brain. I suddenly remembered what he has said to me while I was unconscious. I looked up at him in shock. "What?" He asked confused. 

"I heard you." I said. 

"Huh?" again confused. 

"I heard what you said to me when I was in the coma." I swear I could see the pink appearing on his cheeks. 

"I really do like you Principessa." he says. "I don't expect you to feel the same way but-"

I cut him off by grabbing his face with my hands and pressing my lips against his. I pulled away a few seconds later, "I like you too, Leo." 

He moved closer again, cupping my cheeks in his hands, "You're so goddamn beautiful." He says, moving closer to press his lips against mine. But before he could there was a knock on the door. 

"It's nice to see you two getting along, but I would actually love to see my daughter." Mama says walking into the room. 

"I'll give you two some time alone." Leo says, walking out of the room. 

"My baby, why would you even do that?" Mama asks me. 

"Mama, I don't want to talk about it." I sigh. I knew I couldn't tell her about my father. 

"Okay, whenever you're ready." Mama says. "But you know you can always speak to me, if you don't want to speak to me, you have Leo. I saw you two getting very close." she wiggles her eyebrows at m e. 

"When I was in the coma I heard him talking to me, he had told me he liked me. So I told him I felt the same way." I explained. 

"I'm so happy for you, my baby." She says, pulling me into a hug. "I'll go get Lavender, she's waiting to talk to you." 


"I'm going to kill both those mother fuckers." Lav says, clenching her jaw. 

"Lav, I kissed him just now, I think it's okay." I told her. 

"Okay well I'll kill your father, Alex, he can't treat you like that." She says, "You need to tell your mother." 

"You know I can't." I explain. 

"You told me." She exclaims. 

"That's because you're my best friend." 

"Okay, tell Leo then, he's your husband, He deserves to know Alex." She explains. 

"You're right." I sigh. "I'm scared he'll hate me." 

"God, no, if only you saw how he behaved while you were in here, unconscious," She explains. "The boy didn't leave your side one, he only left today when we managed to get him to go and shower." 

"But I was raped Lav." I whisper. 

"That will not change his view on you at all, and if it does, I'll kill him with my bare hands." She laughs. 

"Okay, I'll tell him everything." I sigh, smiling at her. 

"You'll get through this." She says, pulling me into a tight hug, "Don't ever do this shit again, or I'll make you come back to life and kill you myself." 


"Hey," I say, I had just woken up from my nap and had seen Leo sat beside me. 

"Hey, everyone went home since it got late." He says. 

"Why didn't you not go?" I asked, sitting up. 

"I did not want to leave you alone." He says. 

"Leo?" his green eyes looks straight into my hazel ones. "I need to tell you something." 

"Go on."

"Promise to listen until I get to the end." I ask, he nods. " For the past few years my father's been abusing me and he th-"

"What?" He shoots out of his seat, "I'm going to kill him, I-"

"Leo, listen to the full story please." I beg, he nods, sitting down again, "The night I went home and I was crying he had beaten me up that night because I had come home without his permission." Tears were now running down my face, I slipped my hand into Leos. 

"How did I not see this, I should've seen the marks on your body." 

"He had called me ugly, a slut, a whore and a lot of other things. He threatened me to marry you, otherwise I would receive a bad punishment." I explained. 

"I'm going to kill this mother fucker." His jaw cleaned. "Who else knows?"

"Leo you can't, he threatened me not to tell anyone, I've only told Lavender." I cried, "The worst thing is that he even raped me." 

"What?" He yelled, "You can't be serious Alexandria, you're telling me that and you expect me not to do anything about it?" 

"Leo please, you can't." I cried. 

"You're not going anywhere near that man, not until I can sort this out." he says sitting beside me on the bed, pulling me into a hug as I cried into his chest. "It's going to be okay Principessa, you have me now." 

I pulled away from him, "I trust you Leo, so much." 

"I trust you too principessa," He replies, "When I was younger my father sent me away for a few years to live with my uncle in London, he was my dad's brother, Michael Moretti. He was my favourite uncle, every holiday he would come to New York, bring us all presents, he would spoil us. But when went to live with him when I was 7. I was on the streets, playing with the other children, but I fell over and hurt myself really badly. He tortured me, saying I was weak for crying over scraping my knee, removing me of all my emotions, until I felt nothing. I came back to New York, I was a changed man, I started playing with girls hearts, feeling no remorse. I was so scared to fall for you, to hurt you, because that was the last thing I wanted and I had failed."

"I guess we've both had a fucked up past Leo." I laugh. 

"I guess we do." he smiles, pressing his lips against mine. 

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