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I woke up from the sound of my alarm going crazy, I switched on my phone, noticing the time was 8am. I had overslept. I jumped out of my bed, running into the shower. I scrubbed my body and then washed my hair. I know weird order. But I preferred washing my body before washing my hair. 

Once my hair had been washed, I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. I walked into my closet choosing an outfit. It was never hard for me to choose an outfit. I wore suits everyday. I took my black Gucci suit off of the hangers putting it on. I then walked towards my cufflinks, choosing out my customer name ones, my sister had bought me for my 26th birthday Last year. I placed on my black loafers before walking out my closet and back into the bathroom to style my hair. 

I walked in front of the mirror, but what I had seen sent a wave of anger through my body. My hair wasn't the usual brown. It was now a dark pink. There was only one person who could have done this. I stormed out of my room, slamming the door of hers open. 

I watched as she jolted off of her bed, her eyes widened in shock, before letting out a loud laugh. "You think this is funny?" I sneered at her. 

"As a matter of fact, I do." Alexandria smiled. 

"What the fuck were you thinking?" I glared at her, "I have a fucking meeting today." 

"And what has that got to do with me?" She smirked. 

"What's all this ruckus?" I turned my head, noticing Mateo walking into her room. "Oh My God." 

"Don't you dare." I said to him. 

"I think it looks cute." she says laughing at me again. I only glared at her, not saying anything. "oh you're giving me the silent treatment? Finally."

"I'll get you back for this." I growled, walking back into my room. After styling my hair I left my bedroom. I hadn't been able to fix the hair, turns out it was permanent. I hopped into my Mercedes. I had multiple cars, this was just my favourite. I raced down the streets of New York, heading towards my building. 

Once I had arrived, I walked through the halls, making my way towards my office. I didn't miss the stares and the giggles my staff left as they stared at my hair. But the moment I glared at them, they stopped. They knew they would be fired with a click of a finger. "Sophie, get in here." I said to my assistant as I entered my office. 

I took a seat behind my desk, My office was dark, just how I loved it. "Good morning Mr Moretti," She placed a black coffee down on my desk. 

I looked at her, my face telling her to speak to me about any new news. "You have a meeting today with Mr Romanov from Russia at 12am." She started. I listened while she told me about all my meetings for the day. 

"Book me a hair appointment to get this colour removed," I told her. 

"Yes sir, I will book that for around 2pm." She told me before leaving the office. 


"MY god, what happened there?" Micah walked in.

"There's something called knocking." I glared at him. 

"I don't know why you glare at me, it's not like it does anything." he laughed and took a seat in front of my desk. "So what happened to your hair?" 

"Alexandria." I simply said. 

"Yikes," he says, "I like her, she's fun." 

"No she's not, she's not funny at all. " I muttered, "She will get what she deserves for this." 

"OOOOH can I help," he jumped out of his seat. 

"If that will keep you away from me, then yes." I told him. He was always annoying me, I had to get rid of him. 

"Okay, I'll think of the best payback." he says before running out of my office. 

I shook my head before going back to my computer. After a few minutes I heard a knock on my door. "Sir, Mr Romanov is here. 

"Send him in," I simply replied. 


"So I have great news." Valentina says. 

"Please tell me Leonardo wants a divorce." I smiled. 

"No." she says, "My friend liked the video I sent, he wants you guys to come down to his studio today." 

"OMG, NO WAY!" I Yelled hugging her. "I'll let them know and we can get going." 

I messaged the three of them, before making my way into my closet to change my clothes.I put on a pair of black ribbed trousers with a white bandeu and black chunky boots. I grabbed my White Gucci bag before walking into Valentina's room. Luckily earlier on she had done my hair and make up as we were both bored, so I didn't need to bother about that. "Should we get going?" She asks. 

Once we had arrived at the place, we met Mike, Gabe and Lavender outside the studios. We walked inside, Valentina giving our names to the receptionist who had let us in. 

"Valentina." A guys voice said. 

"Jason." Valentina says before giving the guy a hug.  "Jason, these are my friends, Lavender, Mike, Gabe and Alexandria." She introduced us. "Guys this is Jason Byers." 

"The Jason Byers?" Gabe says beside me, "I'm Gabe, Huge fan." Jason was a blonde male, he stood around 5'10. 

"Should we start recording?" He asks. 

"Recording?" Mike stutters. "I thought we were just performing for you." 

"Yeas, I would actually like to record it, just so that I can assess it later." We nodded, walking into the studio booth. It was a big booth with instruments scattered around. "Choose which ever instruments you need, I'll be in the other room and I'll count you guys in." 

Gabe walked towards the drums, getting seated. Mike picked up the bass guitar and Lavender picked up the acoustic Guitar. I walked towards the microphone. I put my thumb up, indicating I was ready. 


"I'm not your friend or anything, damn 

You think that you're the man

I think, therefore I am" I finished singing a song I had written not so long ago. (I know this song is by Billie Eilish, but let's pretend Alexandria wrote it.)

I took the headphones off, waiting for Jason to walk about into the room. "Did you like it?" Gabe asks. 

I Shot him a glare. "No." Jason says. I felt my heart drop, it was a great opportunity to have this but I guess we weren't good enough. "I loved it." 

"What?" Lavender says. 

"I'm so glad I got that recorded, I loved the way you guys played that song and I loved the words to that song." Jason says. 

"Thank you so much." I say. 

"You know what?" Jason says, "I'm going to sign you guys, only if you guys are down." 

"No fucking way." Mike says. 

"Excuse his language," Lavender says making Jason chuckle. 

"The answer is 100% YES." Gabe says. 

"Okay perfect, I'll have the contract ready for you guys." Jason says walking out of the room. 

"I'm so proud of you guys." Val runs towards us, giving us a hug. 

"Thank you so much Val, we could never have done this without you." I told her. 

"There's no need to thank me." She smiled. 

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