Chapter 48

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sorry for the late update guys... I've been soooo busy. I'll aim to update at least once or twice a week. :)


All I could remember was going shopping with Valentina, she had wanted to buy presents for when I told everyone I was pregnant. The next thing I knew was a bag was placed over my head and everything went dark. 

I had no idea where I was, all I knew was the place was cold. We still had the bags over our heads, at least I had Val with me. She had been screaming for the past few hours, for someone.

"Hey fucker!" she yelled one more time before a grunt was heard and footsteps got closer. 

"Could you please shut up, you're getting very annoying." A deep voice was heard. 

"Well maybe if you got us out of here, we wouldn't be annoying you." Val replied. 

"I don't think so, my boss wouldn't be so happy about that." The man replied. 

"At least take this off of our heads." I cut in, feeling myself not being able to breathe.

Before I knew it, the man ripped the bag off of my head and I was finally able to see my surroundings. I looked around seeing I was in a warehouse, boxes filled it. My eyes finally met the man, he was a tall man, dressed in full black. He was built, with a scar running down his eye to his cheek. 

"What are you looking at." He spat at me. 

"Nothing." I muttered, looking away, praying for Leo to come find me. 

"What do you want?" Val says. "Why are we here?" 

"Well love, you weren't supposed to be taken, you just so happened to be there." Another voice says, "We were supposed to take Alexandria." 

The voice comes closer, I lift up my head, watching as the figure comes closer, revealing Jasper. "Who are you?" Val asks. 

"Jasper?" I question, "What the fuck." 

"Yes it's me Alexandria baby." He smiles down at me, making me scoff.

"Don't call me that." I spat at him. 

"I'll call you whatever I please." He replies, I look over at Valentina who is looking at me in confusion. 

"What do you want?" I say, tears filling my eyes. This pregnancy was already making me very emotional.

"You, I've always wanted you." He lowers his body down to my level, his hand cupping my chin. "And Leonardo didn't give me what I wanted." 

"What has Leo got to do with this?" Val questions. 

"Well Valentina, your dear brother refused to invest in my new company, and he stole my girl." Jasper says. 

"I was never your girl Jasper." I whisper, moving back, pulling my face out of his hand. 

"You kidnapped two girls just because my brother didn't give you some money, how petty." Val says, "You need to learn how to grow up." 

"Take her out." Jasper nods at the guy with a scar down his eye. 

"No, leave her alone." I yell as the man drags Val out of the room. 


It's been another few hours, I haven't seen Valentina since Jasper's man had dragged her out of the room we were being contained in. I hadn't stopped crying, wishing for Leo to come find me. I tried feeling my phone in my back pocket, but it wasn't there, I had no way of contacting him. Jasper had handcuffed me to a pole before leaving me alone in here. 

I had no idea how long we had been here for, if it had been hours or days. My stomach began rumbling, looked down, bringing my spare hand to my stomach. "I'll get us both out of here, I promise, your auntie Val too." I say to my unborn baby. 

"Ahhh there it is." I look up seeing Jasper, "I knew there was a big secret." 

"Don't you dare." I say as he steps closer to me. 

"Another person who means a lot to Leo who is in my hands." He smirks. "It's too bad the baby isn't mine." 

"You're sick." I say. 

"No, I've been in love with you since we were 15 Alexandria. Everyday I came to school, only wanting to see you, but I was laughed at because I ran after you." Jasper says, "Everyone knew I was madly in love with you, everyone but you. I left you flowers in your locker every day, but you just ignored them." 

"I'm sorry Jasper, I didn't know they were from you." I whisper. 

"Sorry doesn't cut it, I'll get my payback." He says, before removing the handcuffs and dragging me out of the room. 

"Jasper please, leave me." I cry, feeling my body beginning to scratch up due to being dragged on the concrete. 

He didn't listen to my pleas, he continued dragging me, I could feel my skin beginning to tear as fresh cuts were made on my skin. He dragged me down a hall way and slammed open a door. He pulls me to my feet, and pushes me onto a table.  I take in my surroundings, seeing Valentina unconscious on the table beside me. 

"What did you do to her." I yell, rushing to get out of Jasper's grasp. "Omg Val, wake up." I cry. 

"Shhh baby, everything's going to be okay." Jasper says before I feel a needle prick my neck and everything goes black. 


"We need to find them." I sneer. 

"We'll find them don't worry Leo." Mateo says. 

"You don't understand, it's not only them two I lost." I say, rubbing my temples. 

"What do you mean?" My father says. 

"Alexandria was pregnant, we found out a few days ago." I tell them. 

"We'll get them back, I promise, I will not allow you to Lose your first child." Father tells me. 

"Where were they last seen?" Mateo asks. 

"Alexandria and Val had gone shopping," I tell them, it had been 3 days since they had been missing, I had tried my best to find them, but it was hard to, when all the footage from the mall had been wiped. I had been out every night, in search for her, wanting to find her, not wanting to sleep without her by my side. 

"It's going to be okay, we've contacted the police, they said they'll look into it and-" 

I slam my hand against my desk, standing up, "The cops don't do shit, I'm her only hope." 

"Then maybe you should give Jasper what he wants." Mateo says. 

"Don't you think I've tried, he says the offers up." I sigh, kicking my chair away from me.

"You can't go in there." I hear the faint voices of my assistant Sophie saying before a loud slam of my office door is heard. 

"Leonardo Moretti, you're under the arrest for the kidnapping and murder of Alexandria and Valentina Moretti, anything you do or say will be held against you in the court of Law," The man says, grabbing my hands, placing them behind my back and handcuffing them together, pulling me out of my office. 

"Get my lawyer." I say to Mateo and my father before they lead me out of my building. 

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