☆ Six ☆

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"Wake the fuck up." The knocking on the door didn't stop. It kept going and going.

Grabbing a pillow, I put it over my head hoping that it would block the sound and the person that was behind the door and that they would just go away.

"If you don't answer in the next three seconds, I'm coming in, dragging you out of your damn bed and leaving."

Keeping my eyes closed, I tried falling back asleep, not wanting to wake up.

My dream was so good. I was somewhere in a flower field, lots of flowers, all alone, with no one to bother me.

I was laying on my back in between all the flowers, looking up at the clouds, it was silent there. I could only hear the sound of the wind, nothing else.

Now that I think of it, it was a little lonely there. Too quiet. But it was better than this constant knocking on the door.

"Go away." I groaned into my covers, burrowing my face as much as I could into the pillow.

It finally went quiet. The knocking stopped and I couldn't hear anyone behind the door.

A tired smile appeared on my face, I relaxed again and started falling back asleep until someone kicked the door open and I scrambled up from the bed, sitting up to see what was going on.

Standing in front of the edge of my bed was Harry, his face frustrated while his hands were clenching and unclenching by his sides.

"What?" I grumbled and fell back down on the bed, bringing the covers up to my face.

"I already told you 'what'." He hissed. "I need you to get the fuck out of your bed and downstairs."


He let out a loud sigh. "We need to discuss something with the band and explain some shit to you so get out or I'm gonna drag you out and you're not going to like it."

Snorting into my pillow, I turned enough to see him. "Sure you will, big boy. I'd like to see you try."

Suddenly, I felt the cold air hit my back from where my shirt had ridden up, and without warning, he grabbed both of my ankles and started dragging me out of my bed.

At the last minute, I managed to grab onto the mattress and start kicking at him, hearing him grunt. "Crazy woman."

"You're the one that's interrupting my sleep and dragging me out of bed, you weirdo." I felt myself kick him somewhere and he grunted.

"Let go of the fucking sheets, what are you doing?"

"Let go of me first." I snapped.

Dragging me with all his strength, trying to get me to let go of the mattress, my whole body was hanging in the air like a bridge, he was holding onto my ankles and my fingers were gripping onto the edge of the bed like I was holding on for dear life.

"Let me go."

"If I let go." He gripped my calves and his grip became tighter on me. "You're going to hurt yourself, and I'm not about to become responsible for that."

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