★ Fifteen ★

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It's snowing.

It's the 2nd of March and it was snowing.

It was snowing hard enough to cover the roads and the trees with white snow.

When I looked out my window first thing in the morning and saw the white flakes falling down from the sky, I practically shrieked from excitement.

It was 7 in the morning and I immediately ran to the girls' bedroom, not even knocking as I barged in and jumped onto Ophelia's bed.

I guess after the two previous times, it was now my turn to wake her up.

Grinning, I shook her lightly until she rolled over on her back and looked up at me.

Her eyes were still swollen with sleep and she had a confused look forming on her face as she tried to figure out why I was so happy this early in the morning.

Lowering my voice, I shook her again, not being able to help my excitement.

"It's snowing." I bounced a little on the bed, making the mattress shake.

"Huh?" She whispered back.

"It's snowing Ophelia, get up."

When she rolled away from me and pulled her covers off her, I rolled my eyes and decided that I had to do what I had to do.

She was going to thank me for this later.

Standing up from the bed, I grabbed onto her covers and lowered them down her body so they only covered her feet.

"Out the bed. Now. You're not missing this." I crossed my hands over my chest and stood over her, not letting down.

"I'm cold." She shivered a little and went to grab the covers to lift over herself again but I stopped the action, grabbing her wrist in my hand.

"Nuh-uh. This might as well be the last snow day. You don't wanna miss it." My voice took up a singsong tone as I teased her, wanting her to get up.

"Take Belle, she loves snow." She grumbled into her pillow and closed her eyes back again.

Sighing, I shook my head at her with a small smile and walked over to Belle, who was still deep in sleep, even after all of this commotion.

Sitting down on the edge of her bed, I swiped the hair away from her face and patted her cheek lightly a couple of times.

When I was about to give up, she finally opened her eyes and looked up at me.

She yawned and rubbed at her eyes with the edges of her palms and then look up at me.


"It's snowing." I smiled wide, "Wanna go outside?"

"It's snowing?" She let out another yawn and rolled over onto her stomach, looking behind her as she tried to get a glimpse out the window.

"I can't see." She rasped.

"Gonna have to get up to see." I shrugged.

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