★ Twenty-one ★

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Although ever since we left the hospital and the back of my mind has been constantly aware of the fact that everything that happened today was wrong, that I should be in a horrible mood, I wasn't entirely.

Harry was practically clowning himself out at any instance he could just to make me smile or laugh, knowing that I needed the extra laugh in my life today more than ever before.

I knew that he was giving me special treatment and that I probably wouldn't last, but I was grateful regardless.

Going through the radio stations in the car, I thought that I would somehow have to create a playlist and maybe find a way to connect it to the car, although that would probably be impossible because this car was old.

Or vintage, as Harry called it, saying that the word 'old' didn't give enough of the appreciation to the car that it deserved and that it downplayed its specialty.

I only rolled my eyes at that and went along with the word 'vintage.'

Harry has been driving us to the breakfast place for 20 minutes already, saying that this was one of his favorite places and that I would love it there.

Even though I was already hungry and at first I wanted to eat somewhere that was in the city and close to us, I ended up trusting his decision and waited patiently until we got there.

Throughout the car ride, we were passing by many different landscapes with trees everything, some of which were so tall that they covered our view of the grey-cloud-covered sky when we passed through a tunnel-like tree passageway.

It had to be one of the most beautiful views that I had ever seen, needing to remember to draw this when I got to my sketchbook. 

In the meantime, I would just have to save this view in my memory and try to reciprocate just that on paper.

Once we passed the nature-made tunnel, Harry took a sharp turn to the left which made me let out a small yelp and my hand grabbed onto the handle of the car, making sure that my face didn't hit the headboard of the car.

Now that would have been tragic.

When I finally steadied myself and let go of the handle, Harry took another sharp turn but this time to the right and I would have fallen right into his body if not for his hand that kept me steady against my shoulder.

"Damn it, Harry. What's with all these turns?" I huffed out and looked at him in displeasure.

"My bad," he shrugged but his eyes were glistening with amusement which he didn't even try to cover as he took a quick glance at me, and then back at the road.

It seems as though he was driving us to a forest-like area because the number of trees kept increasing with every turn that he made, making me stare in awe at how alluring everything looked.

It was giving me the impression that this was something out of a fairytale, it was that beautiful.

The winter rainfalls probably helped keep this place very green and fresh because it looked as if everything had grown a lot, even the grass on both sides of the road where cars didn't pass through was very tall.

At one point, not even noticing that Harry stopped the car and turned off the car's engine in front of a small restaurant-like building that was just in the middle of the trees, I just kept looking around from inside the car, praising myself for trusting Harry's decision.

There were no other facilities here other than this huge wooden restaurant, and I looked around, noticing how lovely they built it so that it was in harmony with nature instead of ruining everything with a cement building.

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