★ Twenty-three *★

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"Mate, com'on, I'm gettin' bored." I huffed under my breath so Ezra stood over my laying body, a needle in his hand ready to pierce my belly button in the place which he had already marked, and he still couldn't bring himself to
do it.

My arms were covering my eyes as the only thing that I saw was darkness, trying to steady myself for the incoming pain.

Every time I would feel the needle come close to my skin, touching the part where Ezra was supposed to pierce through, he would chicken out and retract his hand back away from my body, muttering something to himself under his breath, making my internally roll my eyes to myself.

I was going to do this piercing on myself today, but after some thinking, I decided that Ezra needed more practice on live people rather than dolls and fake skin since it wasn't really the same.

So I even made everything easier for him, not giving him enough time to worry about any of this. I sterilized the needles, taking them out of their packages and placing them all on a clean, new sheet and the only thing that was left for him to do, was disinfect the area, place a dot with a marker on the correct spot and then pierce it.

Confusion started clouding my brain as I thought about all the reasons that he could have panicked but nothing was coming to mind.

He has done so many piercings on other people, including one of his own piercings, so the fact that his hands were shaking like a little cat that was just born and couldn't walk yet, was just surprising to me.

"Yeah, um. Yup, alright." He took a deep breath and I felt the slight shake of his hand when the side of his palm touched my stomach as he navigated the needle to the right spot, lining it up with the dot that he had marked, hopefully in the correct spot, as he fucking finally out the needle through my skin as I breathed through it, inhaling a deep breath and just letting the pain pass.

"Good, perfect." I let out, trying to calm Ezra as I hoped that his nerves were eased with the fact that he had finally created a hole in my skin, now only having to put the actual jewellery through and he would be done with the hard part.

He let out a pained whine and I let me arms fall away from my face for a second, opening my eyes as I squinted as the bright light hit my eyes but I tried ignoring it, looking up at Ezra who was unpacking the actual jewellery from the protective pack, his cheeks turning a little red as the blacks of his pupils dilated a little.

When he turned back at me and noticed that I have caught on to how he had reacted, I chuckled and covered my eyes back up again. "Don't tell me you're horny right now..."

He didn't answer and I heard the ripping sound of the pack is he got it open then started putting it through the little tube that was in my stomach, getting the jewelry through the hole and screwing on the other side of the shiny, black ball that I had picked out.

"I thought I was the easy one, honey." I snorted and he only rolled his eyes.

I stayed laying down, waiting for him to finish with the aftercare steps that a piercer had to complete for their client and only then did I sit up, keeping my shirts lifted with my hand, keeping them pressed against my upper stomach as I swung my legs over the surface and jumped off, walking over the mirror and stood in front of it.

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