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"Jamie, I think your mom is callin' you over home, sweetheart," I ruffled the 7-year-old's hair and pointed over to his mother who was calling his name from across the street.

We have been carving pumpkins in the grassy area in front of my house for the past hour as I had nothing better to do with my morning.

Harry had gone out, leaving me a little note on his side of his bed that he was going to be out of the next couple of hours and that quick breakfast was waiting for me on the stove.

Since I was going to be home alone, I had planned to finally drag up that TV from the basement, but that was until I opened my front door to get in some fresh air into the house just to find Jamie standing right outside my door, holding a giant pumpkin in his arms with a big grin.

I mean, how could I say no to him? I'd have probably been named the mean old lady of the neighborhood if I refused, and I would rather die than have this rumor
spread around in this neighborhood.

They'd TP my house with no remorse...I've seen it happen with a house a few blocks down when I was living here with mamá — It was not a fun time helping that woman clean up her house.

It's not like I didn't have anything else to do in my free time, right? But no, mamá didn't think so. Keeping the reputation was important so I was forced to spend my whole Saturday with a smelly, old lady, getting the toilet paper off her house and bushes.

Waving goodbye to Jamie who insisted I keep the pumpkin and all the mess that came along with it, I continued waving at him as he crossed the street with a little hop to his walk and turned back around, picking up the seed-filled bowl and threw the waste in the bin outside.

Placing the carved pumpkin right on my porch, on the last step so everyone can proudly admire our hard work, I walked back inside the house and threw the bowl inside the sink, filling it up with water to clean later.

Yay, more work to do.

Turning on the TV in the living room, wanting a bit of a livelier atmosphere in the house, I turned on the lights for the stairs that went down into the basement. Slowly descending the stairs, I immediately spotted the next light switch that followed, keeping my eye on it as I neared the last step.

Remembering that I needed to shut the door just a tad bit more, not wanting to give people the wrong impression, I hopped up the stairs, closing the door more than halfway before heading back down the stairs.

Taking quick hops down, really wanting to get this over and done with, I opened the basement door, twisted the door handle, and walked inside the dark room.

"Fuck this," I felt a shiver run down my spine and my hand immediately went to the wall adjacent to the door, dragging my palm over the smooth surface until my fingers finally felt the light switch, nervously fiddling with it until the light shone brightly, lighting the space up and making it just a tad bit more welcoming.

Releasing a sigh of relief, my shoulders dropping down past my ears and back to their original position, I smoothed down my shirt while my eyes roamed the room, searching for the black TV that I knew was around here somewhere.

I took slow steps forward, looking left and right before peaking around the corner of the room, finally spotting the TV leaning flat against the wall.

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