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"Goodbye and thank you for the hospitality," Baba thanks Marilyn and Richard who are standing by the doorway holding hands and smiling while I'm breaking. But I don't dare show it.

"You are welcome and we are thankful for the gifts you've left for the girls. Madison and Reese will be happy that you came by," Richard acknowledges Baba's thoughtfulness which makes Baba happy to hear.

"Thank you for coming over,Gregory," Richard says to me with a smile after getting my name wrong. Again.

I fake smile at him without saying a word.

"Good bye," Baba says and we both walk off.

Richard seems too perfect to be true. I need to find out who he is and what he's got that I don't. I need to keep an eye on him. I need to know his whereabouts and know who he associates with and when I find out anything that he's doing that might break his relationship with Marilyn, I'll use it against him and end his marriage. Then Marilyn will be with me.

I had fun putting smiles on little children's faces today. I hope I break their jaws to prevent them from being happy ever again because why the heck are they happy while I'm not? It's just not right. This is why I always say that "I hate people."

They always have something to be sad or happy about. Too much of Emotions damaged their state of mind.

And speaking of people, Ciara has been on my mind. She has just disappeared and left my ass alone. I wanted to know who she is but that dream cut short. But I've got Marilyn whose unfortunately broken my heart into pieces. I'll fix her and punch her up to my liking that she'll forget Richard ever existed and we'll be together forever.

We will be together and anybody who will try to prevent my happily ever after from happening will regret it.

I assure them. I'm talking about Richard.

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