Chapter One.

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"There's a new girl in town!"

"You know man, that's not really part of the game."

I eyed my D&D prodigies and they shrunk back slightly, and fell into an awkward silence.

"Sorry Eddie...." Dustin said sheepishly.

"Who is she?" Mike asked.

"WHEELER!" I yelled, bringing a fist down onto the game table. I watched everyone jump in surprise before smiling at them.

"I'm just curious." Mike said with a shrug.

"We all are." Gareth replied.

I rolled my eyes and threw up my hands in defeat.

I closed my game bible and sighed dramatically.

"Ok, what do we know about this new girl?" I asked.

"I think she might be a cousin of someone at school." Jeff said.

"Who's cousin?" I asked, wanting more details than what I was getting.

"Yoooo, sorry I'm late!" Lucas chimed in from the doorway.

"About damn time, man." I said, huffing.

"Where are we up to?" Lucas asked.

"Just talking about the new girl." Dustin said with a toothy grin.

"Oh Max's cousin?" Lucas asked.

"YOU KNOW HER?!" Dustin screeched,

Lucas scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Of course I know her!" He said.

I walked around the table then and pushed Lucas down into his usual spot before perching on the end of the table, smiling widely.

This seemed to unnerve him, which I kinda liked.

"Tell us everything, Sinclair..." I said.

"You looking forward to school?"

If my mum was looking for me to say yes, she'd be waiting a long, long time.

4th school in a year...... Sure, always look forward to it.

"I'm getting good at moving around mum that's for sure." I said, sighing.

"I'm sorry honey. You know what my work is like." She said, sounding apologetic.

I sank down onto my bed and looked down at my hands, sadly.

"How long are we staying here?" I asked, solemnly.

"You know I don't have the answer to that, honey." She said.

"Is there any point in me making any friends this time?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You should always try and make friends." She said, sinking down next to me. She held me by the shoulders, and rested her head against mine.

"You're a resilient, strong and wonderful person, Quinn, you're kind and warm and everyone will want to be your friend." My mum said.

It was nice of her to say I guess, but I often wondered if she truly knew me. I was tired of constantly making friends to then leave and have to settle in or fit in again.

I'd heard the stories of Hawkins, that the town was cursed.

Why the fuck did she bring us here?

"I'm gonna go and take a look around I think." I said, running a hand through my long brunette curls.

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