Chapter Twenty Three

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Tomorrow was here, and I was as prepared as I was ever going to be.

The sky had changed, I'd noticed when I'd woke from the hours sleep I managed to catch when I wasn't on watch.

We'd all taken it in turns to keep watch, whilst we all tried to get as much sleep as we could.

On my watch, Dustin hadn't been able to sleep and so I'd sat with my eyes on the door of Joyce's house, with an arm curled tightly around him and he'd held onto me. After the first two hours, he'd slumped against me and fallen asleep.

I'd held him tight, and stroked the soft brown curls on his head, bringing him as much comfort as I had spare.

I'd whispered to him every now and again, words of encouragement and had met Steve's eye.

He smiled weakly and gave me a nod of respect, his arms folded across his chest as he and Robin sat against the wall cross legged, Robins head resting on his shoulder.

"Thank you. I think he needed that." Steve had whispered.

"He's a good kid." I'd whispered back.

I saw a glimmer of Max in all of them, a little flicker here and there and so I'd held onto him, as though it had been her too.

And now, I was awake and had rose to my feet, rubbing my shoulder, before slowly rousing the others.

"It's time." I said.

The sky was a furious red, with glimmers of silver light every so many minutes. Lightning.

There were no ash clouds, the sky was clear, and red.

A dangerous red.

I waited patiently as everyone roused themselves from sleep, and I gathered my weapons together. My choices were Eddie's shield, and the boat oar I'd kept with me since the Upside Down.

"Everyone needs to get what they need and we head for the facility." Hopper said.

"I'm ready." I said, with a steely determination.

"Good, then you can check outside and make sure there's nothing out there." Hopper said.

"I'll go check with her." Dustin offered, appearing at my side.

I eyed him carefully and he returned my gaze, with a nod.

"I'm coming with you." He said, defiant.

"Oh I knew it wasn't a request, Dustin." I said, understanding.

We both crossed the room to the door, as we all heard a loud bang and I opened the front door cautiously.

I stepped outside, before taking a deep breath and the sky lit up like the 4th of July.


"Guys, you gotta see this." Dustin remarked, at my side again.

We stood on the veranda, watching the sky light up with loud bangs and the lightning soared across the sky.

But there was no thunder that followed.

Just bursts of light.

And everyone was suddenly behind me, watching the sky with me.

"They look like fireworks." Mike said.

"Yeah....." I said, my eyes fixed on the sky.

Until I saw motion in my peripheral vision and my head was turned to the right of me.

Someone was walking down the dirt track outside Joyce's house.

Followed by someone else.
And another.
And another.

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