Chapter Six

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"Victor Creel?" I called, outside of his cell.

Our chaperone was sitting down at the desk in the corridor, apparently bored.

I approached the cell and peered in.

"Victor, my name is Nancy and I'm here about the murders that took place 30 years ago." I continued.

He was sitting at a table, his back to us.

"A little dark for a young girl, surely?" He asked me.

"Not really. Two people have died..... like your wife and daughter. We're here because..... we believe you." I said.

He stopped dragging his nails along the table and I felt Robin grip my hand.

"We just want to know what you saw." I said.

"Nothing these days." He said and he slowly turned to face us.

I stepped back in horror; he had no eyes.

"The biggest mistake I made, was moving my family into that house. Within two weeks, my family was gone. There was a demon, in that house.... The minute we stepped inside, it wanted us. And it took us. It took my wife, my daughter.... And my son."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Small things at first. Lights flickering, turning on and off. My son, it's like he knew. He was a sensitive boy, you see. And he became withdrawn, within a matter of days. Spent a lot of his time in the attic. Stopped talking.... To us or anyone. Spent most days on his own. We tried to get him to speak to us, but he seemed to want his own company. Animals started to appear in our yard.... Mutilated and dead..... one or two at first....And then we started to see things. Awful things. That night, it was the worst. There were more animals in the jars that might.... Several....We were eating dinner.... We had arranged for Henry to go and see a psychiatrist the following morning. We just wanted to help him."

"What happened that night?" I asked, pressing him.

"There were dead animals on the lawn. More of them, than at the start.... And then my Virginia.... She.... She levitated in the air. Her arms and legs... they broke and her eyes.... White and bleeding.... I tried to get Henry out...but I was suddenly back there... back in the war. All I could see was death. I had ordered shellings on an abandoned village.... I gave the order and there were people inside... children..." he said sobbing.

"And then I heard an Angel.... She was singing." He added.

"What happened after?" I asked, hurriedly.

"I came back.... My daughter was dead.... And Henry, Henry slipped into a coma. Died in the hospital a week later."

"After I was accused, I tried to take my life... to join them. But the doctor saved me." He continued, distressed.

"I was losing myself to the guilt.... And I heard the Angel singing and followed it..." he said, before curling up on his bed.

"Victor..." I said.

He started to hum, ignoring us.

"Victor creel...." I said, with urging.

He continued to hum and cry and the chaperone approached us.

"That's enough, you need to leave." He said.

Robin tugged on my hand and we rushed down the corridor.

"Nancy, who has always been described as having the voice of an Angel?" She asked me.

"I don't know!" I said, hurriedly.

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