Chapter Twenty Two

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I don't know how I was supposed to digest the revelations from earlier that day, and I wasn't going to attempt to.

Not yet. We had time, just not time for me to absorb all the information and theories my friends had given me.

All I had to focus on was that I had some kind of weapon, inside of me. I was a weapon.

And I was Eddie's saviour.

As much as that might have momentarily felt romantic, the only other feeling I felt was pressure.

A heavy pressure to make sure I succeeded with whatever part I had to play in this war.

Eddie was relying on me, whether I wanted that or not.

And I did, in a way.

I felt that it told me one thing for sure; we were destined to find each other that day, the connection we had was deep, meaningful and real.

And when he'd sang Kate Bush on our first date, that fourth chime of the clock never came.

So he'd saved me too. It was real love.

No one could tell me any different.

I loved Eddie.

I was irrevocably in love with the shaggy haired metal head with the deep chocolate pools for eyes.

The guy who wore band T-shirts and star gazed. Who loved his guitar, and affectionately coined me the nickname 'New Girl'.

I missed him terribly.

And then there was Max. My lovely, sarcastic, Max Mayfield.

I missed her terribly too.

A part of me was also her saviour.

My voice had brought her back before.

"I feel it's only right you wear this."

A voice broke me from my thoughts and I spun around in surprise.

"Sorry..." He bleated apologetically, realising.

I was standing on the veranda of Joyce's quaint, warm home and turned to find Steve behind me, holding out a blue waistcoat with a Metallica motif on the back, badges on the collar.

Eddie's waistcoat.

"I forgot you had that." I said.

"Jonathan kindly lent me some clothes." Steve said, with a small smile.

I took the waistcoat gratefully and ran the material through my fingers.

"Thank you." I said, sincerely.

"It's only right. And I have something else." He said, holding out a black bandana.

Max's bandana.

"Now I have a piece of them both." I said, sniffing back tears.

"Wear them tomorrow." Steve said.

"Oh you bet I will." I said, laughing through my tears.

"We're gonna beat this." Steve said.

"Absolutely." I answered.

"Don't be afraid of whatever power you have. It's a gift." Hopper said, from the doorway.

"I have it for a reason." I said, in agreement.

"Atta girl." Hopper replied with a warm smile.

"It looks good on you." Joyce said, once I'd slipped the waistcoat over my black turtleneck sweater.

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