Chapter Eleven.

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We were getting the plan together.
Phase one, phase two and phase three were set.

I was currently sawing the end of my shotgun.

"Isn't that illegal?" Max asked.

"I'd say so, I think it's a felony." I replied, snapping the end off.

I inspected the gun and shrugged, satisfied.

"Why did you saw it?" Max asked, as I rose to my feet.

"Like that jock said to Quinn, it's  easy for someone to grab and take off me." I said.

Max nodded, seeming to understand.

"Okay, I'll get Eddie and Quinn and we should get moving. You have your music?" I asked her.

"Yeah." Max said.

"Okay, let's do this." I said.

I walked to the outbuilding that we'd all sheltered in, and as I turned the handle on the door, I caught a glimpse of the activity inside.

Eddie was half dressed, sitting on the floor with his arm around Quinn.

Who had a blanket wrapped around her, tucked under her arms.

I smiled as I watched Eddie tenderly kiss her forehead, holding her close.

For a small second, my mind wandered to Jonathan.

Jonathan. Who wasn't here right now.
My heart ached for a moment, and I sighed.

I watched as they rose from the floor together, and the blanket loosened around Quinn's body and I could see she was evidently not wearing clothes. Their body language had most definitely changed and they seemed closer than they had been last night.

When it dawned on me, I suppressed a giggle and quashed my excitement and happiness for them, so as not to alert them that I was there, looking in.

Dustin appeared at my side, blindly reaching for the door handle, and I gripped his shoulder, bringing him to a stop.

"Uhm Dustin, just give them a minute." I suggested, hiding my smile.

"But we need to go now." Dustin said, going to turn the door handle.

"Dustin, they need a moment." I pressed, shooting him a motherly look.

"Are you serious Nancy?" He asked, huffing.

"Very." I replied, simply.

"My god." He said, exasperated.

"What's going on?" Steve asked.

"Nothing - they just need a minute." I said, shooting him a knowing look.

"Ah." Steve said, catching on.

"Really?" He added, frowning.

"Hey, it's the end of the world potentially, let them be." I said, smiling.

"Besides, if you thought you were gonna die, what would you do?" I added with a shrug.

"Probably the same, be with someone I cared about." Steve said, his eyes staring into mine.

"So. Let them be." I repeated.

"Fair play, Munson." Steve said, seeming impressed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He told her. I told him to tell her how he feels about her. He's crazy about her." Steve said.

"I noticed." I said, smiling.

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