Chapter Eight

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Max, Dustin, Steve and Lucas went to Eddie's trailer and the road, whilst Nancy, Robin, Eddie and I went on the search for Victor's house.

"What are we looking for exactly?" I asked.

"Victor said that a demon lived in the house. It tormented his family and eventually- allegedly, killed his wife, daughter and son. I suppose we're looking for any sign..... that Vecna is linked there or is there." Nancy said.

"How did you know that music would save Max?" I asked.

"We didn't, not at first. Victor was distressed, towards the end of our conversation and he started to hum. It was like he was calming himself down or bringing himself back from the horror." Robin explained.

"But he said that he heard a voice, a voice of an angel... he followed it and it brought him back. He was in some kind of trance. But somehow he came back. Music." Nancy continued.

"Ella Fitzgerald was on a radio or something in their house at the time." Robin said.

"Why the Creel family?" Eddie asked.

"Why any of us? Why Max, or why Quinn? Chrissy? Fred?" Nancy asked.

"Chrissy and Fred were seeing the school counsellor. So is Max." I said.

"Are you?" Nancy asked.

"No, but I had counselling after my dad." I said.

"We know what happened with your dad, with Max it was Billy..... did Fred or Chrissy witness a death or be involved in something like that?" Robin asked.

"I think Chrissy's mom was a little controlling.....and abusive." Nancy said, suddenly.

"And Fred?" I asked.

"I didn't know him that well. But he was always a little jittery whenever we were in the car." Nancy said.

"Where does Jacob fit into this?" I asked.

"No idea. I didn't know him." Nancy said.

"Okay, so let's just say that all of you had something going on.... Something bad either happened or was happening. It's like he fixates on that.... And uses it." Eddie said.

"He takes the bad out of all the good." I said, in agreement.

"Why?" Nancy asked.

"Well if Vecna is a demon, he wouldn't use good, he'd use the bad." Eddie mused.

"To what end, is the question." Nancy said, sounding in thought.

"Destruction. The upside down, that's all it is. Monsters and destruction." Robin said.

"I feel like he's bigger than all of that. Almost like he has a bigger overall plan. If Dustin is right about him being the top dog, the 5 star general..... he's gonna have something even bigger than what you guys have seen and fought before. He's come to do, what the mind flayer didn't." I said.

"Was the Creel family of some significance?" Nancy asked.

"Or just a test?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Let's see what we can find out." Nancy said.

We drove to the Creel house and hesitantly approached the door.

"It's bolted shut." Nancy said.

"That doesn't mean a thing." Eddie said, leaning down to pick up a rock.

"I'd move out of the way." He suggested, as we all stepped backwards.

He threw the rock at the familiar rose window and the pane shattered loudly.

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