Chapter Three

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The next day, Eddie didn't show up for school.
I'd knocked on his trailer, and no one had answered.

I'd left his jacket in my locker, when he hadn't shown.

By lunchtime, I was starting to get worried.
And it seemed I wasn't the only one.

"I've heard all day how Chrissy didn't go home last night, and she hasn't turned up for school." Dustin said, over lunch.

"Eddie hasn't turned in either." Mike said.

"Did he say anything to you?" Dustin asked.

"Me? No. He was fine when he left me at home.... He was happy." I said.

"And he went home too?" Mike asked.

"Yeah he's in the trailer opposite to me." I said.

"You definitely saw him go inside? He didn't leave at any point?" Dustin asked.

"I thought I heard something last night, but I looked outside and it was quiet out. Lights were still on in his trailer. Heard a van speed off a while later." I said.

"Eddie drives a blue van. Quinn, was there a blue van parked outside this morning?" Mike asked, hurriedly.

"No." I said, my eyes widening.

"Eddie took off in the van last night - why?" Dustin asked as I shifted uncomfortably.

"Unless he got freaked out by what happened at the diner." I said, growing worried.

"What happened?" Dustin asked.

I picked up a napkin from the table and roughly wiped it on my neck.

Wiped the make up off the furious purple ring around my skin.

Dustin and Mike stared at me in horror and they both gasped.

"What happened?!" Mike asked, as I winced, wiping the rest of the make up off.

"Jason attacked me. Gripped me around the throat.... Started to strangle me. Eddie pulled him off me... He protected me." I said, sadly.

"If I wasn't 3 years younger than Jason and didn't have the health condition I've had since birth - I'd kick his ass for this." Dustin said.

"And you would, I don't doubt it." I said, smiling weakly.

"Okay, so Eddie thinks Jason is going to be coming for him so he leaves..... but then that leaves you here. Jason hasn't done anything yet... would he leave you here to deal with the fallout?" Mike asked.

"He wouldn't do that." Dustin replied, flatly.

"So why has he taken off in the middle of the night?" Mike mused, apparently trying to rack his brains.

"Hey, has that clock always been there?" I asked, suddenly.

"What clock?" Dustin asked, craning his head to look around.

"There, over by the kitchen." I said.

"There's no clock- I don't see it." Mike said, confused.

And then it chimed.

"Oh god....." I whispered.

"What, what is it?" Dustin asked.

"You don't see it?" I asked, getting scared.

"I don't see a clock Quinn." Dustin replied.

I scrambled to my feet and gathered my bag and jacket.

"I have to go.... Sorry." I mumbled before fleeing the cafeteria.

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