Chapter Twenty

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"You know, I've never lay down and just looked up at the stars? Seventeen years old and I've never done something like this." I said, sighing.

We were lying side by side on the grass verge, looking up at the night sky, our bodies close.

Eddie chuckled softly, his hands clasped together on top of his tummy and he turned his head to look at me.

"I used to lie on the roof of our trailer. My Uncle would wonder where I was.... For hours." He said, laughing.

"You didn't..... would he get worried?" I asked, laughing against my better judgement.

"The first few times he did. When he realised, he'd just yell up at me to get down when it got too late." He said.

"So what do you think?" He asked, his eyes looking up at the night sky again.

"It's beautiful." I said, smiling.

"Pick one." Eddie said.

"Pick what?" I asked.

"A star, any star. We'll name it together, right now." He said, as we looked at each other.

"You and me?" I asked, as he smiled broadly.

"You and me. We'll name one - for us." He replied.

I looked above me, a sky littered with stars and focused on one that seemed to shine more than the others.

"That one." I said, pointing upwards.

"It seems to shine more than the others. It's brighter." Eddie said, following my gaze.

"That's why I picked it." I said, beaming.

This moment was like a small piece of heaven to me.

A memory I could keep, before the world fell to pieces.

It was like time had fallen still for us, before the danger came.

To allow us to be together and to forget very briefly, what was coming.

"And what would you call it?" Eddie asked.

The answer was almost too easy.

And he'd understand the reference immediately.

"Earendil. Our most beloved star. May it be a light for you, in dark places....." I started to say.

"When all other lights go out." Eddie finished, his eyes glassy.

"Remember that. I'll remember it too." I whispered.

"When shit goes down, which it's going to..... look to me if you can. And I'll look to you." He whispered back, as I watched a tear roll down his cheek.

I swallowed hard, tears falling down my own cheeks and I smiled.

"I'll look to you." I said, and our eyes locked for what felt like the longest time.

"If for whatever reason you can't see me, look up to that star and I'll be looking at it too." He whispered, before pulling me to him, wrapping an arm around me.

I sighed deeply and rest my head on his chest.

"And remember what we said. This isn't goodbye." I said, in agreement.

"It's never goodbye." He replied, kissing the top of my head.

**End of Flashback**

"How are you?" My mom asked from the doorway.

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