Part 4

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Kimberly turns up an hour later, she knows the boys well and is one of the hospitals Psychologists, one they trust impeccably.

"Anything I should know before I go in boys?" Kimberly asks as they walk her to Louis room.

Kimberly is tall and slender with long black hair, she's beautiful and Andy has had a major crush on her for years, the feeling is mutual but both of them are to shy to ask the other out.

"Well, one minute he is adamant he didn't take the pills and the next he confesses to accidentally taking them" Andy says

"He's 100% been abused but we have no idea by who and we think his version of what happened was a lie, or at least a half truth" Edward says

"He has had a rough year, we lost our mum and he's also been uprooted back to London and a new school, he's only really been back in our lives the last three months" Andy says

"Okay, well, let me have a chat to him and see where we are at" Kimberly says smiling kindly

The boys nod and they knock on Louis room door and walk in. Louis is awake, sitting up and he looks like he's been crying again. His dad standing next to the bed, he looks angry. There is clearly tension in the room.

"Hi there Louis, my name is Kimberly, it's nice to meet you" Kimberly smiles warmly

"Hi" Louis whispers out looking down and playing with the blanket.

"Lou, we are going to leave you and Kimberly to talk for a little while okay. Do you need anything before we leave?" Andy asks

Louis shakes his head no

"Okay, just buzz us if you need to okay" Edward says

Louis nods

"Dad?" Andy says, letting Troy know to come out of the room

"I can't stay?" Troy asks his tone a little clipped

"Not right now, I'll chat to Louis first and then yourself afterwards" Kimberly says, parents usually try to stay for the session, most coming from a worried overprotectiveness.

Troy looks to Louis then back to Kimberly and the boys.

"I really think it's best if I stay" Troy then says

Louis is becoming nervous and agitated, scared even and Kimberly notices his body language and uncomfortableness 

"Unfortunately I can't let you do that, Louis will be okay, we are just having a chat, he'll be fine" Kimberly tries to reassure

Troy is getting angry at Kimberly's words

"Dad, it's okay, come on, we can go get a coffee together, we're on break anyway" Edward says

Troy sighs and tries to control his anger, he takes a deep breath and nods, finally agreeing to leave with the boys.

Before he leaves he makes sure to make eye contact with Louis who looks away and back to the blanket on the bed

Once the room is empty Kimberly smiles at Louis and grabs a chair, she pulls it over towards the bed

"Do you mind if I sit?" Kimberly asks smiling

"Oh, of course not" Louis says shyly

Kimberly smiles and sits down

"Now, I know this is all scary and a little overwhelming but I promise we are just going to talk okay" Kimberly says gently

Louis looks at her and nods

"K, yeah" Louis says

"Great so, let me tell you a little about me first hey! My name is Kimberly I've worked here for nearly 8 years now and I work with teenagers like yourself, is there anything else you'd like to know?" Kimberly asks

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