Part 26

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The next few days go by quickly and Louis decides to go to training again on Thursday night. He really wants to prove to coach he deserves the captain title back.

He's a little on edge but tries not to even think about his dad. Robbie is being an arse so he spends most of the session trying to ignore him and not bite back, he doesn't want to disappoint his brothers by responding.

By the time training is over he's a sweaty mess but Louis is thankful he got through it without incident with Robbie. Coach sends everyone to shower while he tells Louis to stay back and chat. Robbie smirks at Louis and laughs with his friends at Louis as they walk off to shower.

"Good training session today Lou" Coach says as he starts putting the soccer balls in his sports bag, packing up.

"Thanks" Louis smiles shyly, he's hoping coach isn't going to take his captain title off him.

"Look kid, I just want you to know, I understand that Robbie is giving you a hard time, I know what he's like and that's part of the reason I gave you the captain badge, you're a team player Lou and have everyone's interests at heart" Coach says

Louis nods smiling slightly, he feels a "but" coming on

"I am a little worried about you though, if I'm honest" coach says gently

"Why? I....I'm sorry about the other day..." Louis starts but coach stops him

"You don't have to apologise Louis, it's all okay, I just wanted to make sure you were okay and there's nothing I should know" Coach says carefully as he moves to grab the pile of cones to pack away

"What do you mean?" Louis asks

Coach sighs

"I do not buy into rumours Louis, especially from students, and even more so ones like Robbie, but from what I know about your past, there's a few things going around. If you tell me they are all lies I will believe you 100% I won't question or ask you about them again. But if they are true, I think we just need to put a few things in place to make sure you're okay" coach says

"What rumours?" Louis asks anxiously

"Just about your dad being back and that you...." Coach starts

"I what" Louis asks, scared of the answer

"That you, tried to take your own life a few months ago" coach says gently

Louis knows his coach is coming from a place of making sure Louis is safe and okay. He means no harm, but that fact Robbie is telling people this and knows this information, is really upsetting for Louis

"I....didn't, I....know you and the teachers and stuff know what happened with my dad but that was all part of it, I swear I didn't..." Louis says as his breathing picks up a little

"I understand Lou, I won't bring it up again, I just want to make sure you're safe at school and that includes putting out these rumours okay. I'm on your side here kid and if you need anything, I'm here okay" he says kindly

Coach is a young 30 year old married father of three and Louis respects him and the way he plays the game, he has always looked out for Louis and he appreciates it a lot .

"Thank you, I appreciate it, I doubt Robbie will listen and back off though. He hates me and I really don't know why" Louis says

"Because he's threatened by you Lou, and when I tell him he needs to cut out his crap or he's off the team, I think he will pull his head in" coach says smirking

Louis's smiles thankfully

"Now go shower, see you at the game Saturday, even though you're meant to be benched I'm going to let you play m" coach says and Louis can't help the wide smile

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