Part 7

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Louis is out for three hours before he even stirs.   Harry unfortunately needed to use the bathroom so had to move Louis off him. The boys are making lunch in the kitchen when they hear Louis whimper from the couch

Louis sees the lounge room empty when he wakes, he's so sore to the point he wants to cry. When his dad beats him he is usually alone and can cry and come undone when he's by himself, he has to try to hold it together now though and he doesn't know if he can. Louis tries to get up, he needs to use the bathroom his kidney is so sore though and he feels like he has a temperature. 

He stands up and gets a huge dizzy spell

When Scott hears Louis wake he walks around the kitchen and into the lounge room. He just makes it as Louis collapses and Scott catches him instantly

"Woah there Lou" he says as he catches Louis in his arms and picks him up bridal style.

"Harry, Drew? I need my kit and a Luke warm washer" Scott says his tone slightly urgent

Harry and Drew hurry to get Scott what he needs as Scott lays Louis on the couch

"Louis, bud, can you open your eyes for me" Scott says as he cups Louis face trying to rouse him.

He gets a groan from Louis.

"Good boy Lou" Scott says

Harry makes it to the lounge with Scott's kit and Drew with the washer, Drew places the washer on Louis head and Scott grabs some medicine from his kit to give to Louis in a needle

"His temp is 39" Harry says as he takes Louis temperature

Scott administers the needle and Louis doesn't even wake

"That should help bring it down" Scott says

"We might need to change his antibiotics" Drew says

"Yeah, maybe we should set up a drip here" Scott says

"Yeah, good idea, I'll run to work and grab some supplies" Drew says

Scott and Harry nod.

"If his temperature doesn't go down within an hour though, we should bring him back in for more tests" Harry says

"Yeah, keep me posted okay" Drew says as he grabs his keys and heads to the door

The boys agree and they settle in to monitor Louis and his temperature. He's lethargic and that's a little bit of a concern

"Should we put him into bed? Might be more comfortable in there" Harry says

"Good idea" Scott says

Harry then bends down to pick Louis up bridal style, Louis whines a little as he's moved

"It's okay Lou, I'm just getting you more comfortable" Harry says gently

Louis snuggles into Harry, Harry and Scott share a fond look at each other as Harry carries Louis to the room they have set up for him.

Scott pulls the bed back and Harry places Louis down gently

Louis wakes as Scott pulls the covers back up over Louis.

"It's okay darling" Scott tells him as he runs his hands through Louis hair gently

"I don't feel good" Louis says upset.

Harry and Scott completely turn soft and concerned

"Ohh sweetheart, tell us what's wrong" Harry says as he and Scott sit either side of Louis on the bed

"Feel tired, my back hurts" Louis says with tears in his eyes

"That's your kidney infection, we're going to change your antibiotics and you should start to feel better soon" Scott says

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