Part 24

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On the way to practise Louis is a little nervous, he really doesn't want to see Robbie right now, he knows he's going to be all smug. He's thankful that Noah is on the football team too though, he just hopes Robbie doesn't try anything.

"Okay Lou?" Scott asks, Louis is a little quiet in the back of the car

"Yeah, I guess" Louis sighs

"Try not to worry about Robbie darling, just try and focus on the team" Harry says

"Yeah" Louis sighs

They pull up to the school fields and Louis gets out of the car.

"We will wait for you Lou, we'll be right here" Scott says

Louis blushes

"Thanks" he says thankfully

Harry winks at Louis and he makes his way to the field

Coach isn't on the field yet but the whole team is there. Louis is greeted by his friends and Noah and he smiles. Robbie and his friends stand there and smirk at Louis though

"Well, well, well, if it isn't little Louis, surprised they let you back on school grounds" Robbie says smugly and his friends laugh

"Your lips looking good Robbie" Louis says sassily, Robbie's lip is really bruised, Louis got him good

"I would watch your mouth if I were you" Robbie says angrily

Coach then comes out on the field and practise begins. Louis is allowed on the field and runs the drills with the team, he's thankful he's allowed to train, he absolutely loves soccer and feels free when he plays, it all just comes so naturally to him.

Robbie is playing dirty all training and makes it his goal to shoulder barge and trip Louis every chance he gets.

"What the hell is your problem" Louis says the sixth time Robbie shoulder barges him

"You, you're my problem" Robbie yells as he gets up close in Louis face

"Tomlinson, Shift, laps now" Coach yells at them both.

"Good job Tomlinson" Robbie spits sarcastically

"You're the one who's being a dick" Louis says back as they both start running laps

The rest of practise keeps going and Robbie and Louis continue laps

Harry and Scott are watching Louis train from their car, they can see absolutely everything and have to stop themselves heading down to the field to give Robbie what he deserves. They will be telling the boys everything and making a point of speaking to coach again.

Louis and Robbie are on their sixth lap when Louis looks out towards the trees surrounding the left side of the field. He slows down to a jog before he completely stops running

"Had enough huh Little Louis" Robbie laughs as he continues to run

Louis ignores him, everything around him seems to slow down and stop. He feels like his breath has been caught in his throat, like he can't breathe. It happens so suddenly as he stares at his dad.

His dad is just staring back at him smirking, he doesn't move towards Louis or anything, but he reaches out and moves his fingers to his eyes gesturing to Louis that he's watching him, before he sneaks off behind the trees.

"Louis, hey bud, just relax you're okay" Louis hears coaches voice.

Louis suddenly registers that he's sitting on the grass, breathing heavily. The team gathered round, he can also see Scott and Harry hurrying towards him from the carpark

Louis tries to calm down

"It's okay kid, just breathe in and out" coach tells him

"Lou" Scott and Harry say as they make their way through.

The kneel down beside Louis,

"He just stopped running, I'm not sure what's happened" Coach says

"Just breathe Lou" Scott tells him as he rubs his back.

"Okay... let's go, back to training" Coach says and he moves everyone away to give Louis privacy.

Noah moves forward though, wanting to make sure Louis is okay.

"Is he okay?" Noah asks concerned as he kneels down too

"He's okay, he' having a panic attack, we just need to help him through it" Harry says reassuring Noah who's really worried for his friend

"Noah, did you see what happened or anything?" Scott asks

"No...I wasn't running with them, all I know is they were both asked to run laps and then he stopped running" Noah says

"Dad" Louis whispers out choked as he tries to control his breathing

"Your dad was here?" Noah asks

"Shit" Harry says under his breath as he and Scott share a look.

"Let's get you home sweetheart" Scott says

They just need to get Louis to the car and call the boys.

Harry and Scott help Louis up and Noah hugs him

"Can you tell him to call me so I can and make sure he's okay?" Noah asks Scott and Harry

"Of course Noah, he will be fine, promise, just have to get him home" Scott says smiling slightly

Noah nods and he runs back to the group. Harry has a few words with coach and they then take Louis back to the car.

Louis sees Robbie smirk at him and laugh with his friends as he's led off the field

He's calmed down a little by the time they get to the boys rover, he's looking around trying to be subtle to see if his dad is following them.

Scott puts Louis in the back of the car, gets in next to him and shuts the door, Louis is visibly shaking

"Darling calm down, it's okay" Scott says as he grabs Louis hands trying to calm him.

"My dad was there Scott, I saw him" Louis says Scared

"I know darling, we will handle it okay" Scott reassures Louis

Harry gets in the car after calling the boys and turns to Louis and Scott.

"The boys are calling Joey and Charlie and they will head over to the apartment okay" Harry says

Louis nods as he tries to calm himself

"We're here Lou, we won't let anything happen to you okay" Harry and Scott say.

Louis runs his hands over his face and brings his knees to his chest as he rests against the window.

Scott and Harry look at each other in the rear view mirror and they secretly hope that Louis may have just made a mistake.

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