Part 5

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"Just go slow Lou" Drew says as he helps Louis inside their penthouse.

"It hurts" Louis says on the verge of tears

Louis thought he was okay, thought he'd be fine, before he actually started moving around. Walking out of the hospital, driving to the apartment and walking inside has been hard, Louis is in a considerable amount of pain

"I know kiddo, as soon as I get you settled you can have some pain relief okay" Drew says

Louis nods as he grips Drew's biceps, Drew walks backwards as he leads Louis into the entryway

The penthouse is amazing, with an open entryway that has a step down to a huge carpet space with a fireplace. The sunken lounge is to the left and a massive floating staircase to the right

The kitchen is off the lounge and there are floor to ceiling windows that encase the whole lounge room, dining and kitchen. The place is amazing

"Wow, you live here?" Louis asks incredulously,  he winces as Drew leads him down the step into the lounge 

Drew chuckles

"We do, you like it?" Drew asks as he helps Louis sit on the couch

"It's amazing Drew, like I love it" Louis says in awe

Drew smiles wide.

"Well I won't give you a tour just yet, let's give you a rest first, but the kitchen is behind you as you can see" Drew says and Louis looks behind him to see the wall to the kitchen is only a half wall and you can see to the other side of it

"Mine, Edward and Andy's rooms are upstairs, Harry and Scott's is downstairs and we've put you in the room next door to them,as we don't want you walking up the stairs" Drew says

"Thanks, I can have the couch though, it's comfy and I don't want to move" Louis says as he lays backwards

Drew chuckles fondly

"We will see okay, now let's get you comfy" Drew says

He then takes Louis shoes off and puts a pillow behind his head, he moves his feet so he's lying facing the tv and puts a blanket over Louis. He's comfortable in his sweats and sweater.

"Now I'm going to make you something to eat and then you can have some pain relief and a rest" Drew says

"K, you don't have to do everything for me, I can get myself something" Louis says worried he's a burden already

"No Louis, listen, you don't understand how much we've all missed you. We miss looking after you. Your only job is to rest and let us be at your beck and call okay" Drew says firmly with a hint of fond

Louis sighs

Drew has always been the one who worried over Louis the most, he always made sure Louis was rugged up in the cold and taking his vitamins and eating properly, Louis misses him. He will be a wonderful husband one day.

"Thanks Drew" Louis says shyly

"Anytime kiddo, now Andy and Edward will be home around 7, and then we will eat dinner together. Harry and Scott have three days off now and Edward and I are on in the morning, Andy tomorrow night. Then we all have some time off okay" Drew says

Louis nods as he relaxes back on the couch

"Would you like the TV on?" Drew asks

"Um, will it be to loud for Scott and Harry? I don't want to wake them" Louis says concerned

"No kiddo, all good, they sleep through anything and the rooms are pretty soundproof, they should only sleep another hour anyway" Drew says as he turns on the tv

Louis nods

"Here, you pick something while I go make some food" Drew says

Louis takes the remote and flicks through Netflix trying to find something to watch

Inside Scott and Harry's bedroom, they are just waking up, having slept a few hours, if they sleep any longer they throw off their body clocks and won't sleep tonight.

"Morning" Scott says smiling at Harry

"Morning" Harry chuckles

"You're cute in the morning" Scott says and Harry smirks

"Is that your way of asking me to put out?" Harry jokes

It's then Scott's turn to laugh

"No, I know you'll put out anyway" Scott says in jest and Harry laughs

They turn to each other and share an intimate kiss together, it soon turns pretty heated and Scott slowly moves his way on top of Harry. They roam each other's body's with their hands, already naked which is how they sometimes sleep.

"Fuck I love you" Scott pulls back to say

Harry smirks

"Yeah? How much" Harry teases

"Scott moans as Harry reaches for his cock and rubs his hand over it

"" Scott moans 

"If you insist" Harry says cheekily as he manoeuvres them so he's now on top

"Nice try baby" Scott says sexily

Harry and Scott have of course had sex with each other but they always fight for dominance and don't like to give in, neither really like to bottom and they have wanted to add someone to their relationship for a while, someone who they can both dote on and dominate together, someone they can shower their love and affection on, they just haven't found the right person yet.

Harry and Scott kiss heatedly and play with each other under the sheets, they moan and roll around with each other. They work up a slight sheen of sweet and slide up and down each others bodies. They rub each other and bring each other to their climax's easily, moaning each other's names. They kiss and  come down from their highs smiling at each other.

"Shower?" Scott asks

"You read my mind" Harry says and they smile at each other and make their way to their ensuite

In the shower they have a nice cuddle with each other and kiss sweetly.  

"I'm looking forward to the next few days off" Scott says as he washes himself

"Me too! It's been a rough rotation" Harry says

The boys usually share shifts and Harry and Scott are usually on together, Andy and Edward share and Drew floats and overlaps between them all. It works well for everyone. A rotation usually lasts seven days and then they have four days off, they have three days where they overlap and all spend time together as they have other doctors who take over. They all love their jobs and wouldn't change them for anything.

"I'm also maybe looking forward to spending some time with a certain someone" Scott admits vulnerably

Harry smirks

"I thought we were on the same page" Harry says

Scott smiles

"I know he's going through something and has obviously been through a lot...and he's young, I'm really not expecting anything other than just being there for him but....maybe in the future" Scott says

"Yeah agreed, and not to mention we would need the boys blessing" Harry says

"True" Scott chuckles, knowing how overprotective the boys are of the ones they love

"I think if we prove how much we care though and prove to them we can take care of Louis and be what he needs, that they might be okay with it" Scott says

"Hopefully" Harry says and they both smile at each other, grateful they are on the same page.

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