Part 29

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"Surely someone saw something" Drew says as he paces the living room worriedly

The boys are all gathered in the lounge, they haven't slept, Charlie and Joey have set up their office at the house, they've tapped the boys phones, hoping that any form of a tip off comes in. Louis amber alert went absolutely viral overnight, it was shared millions of times and still no credible tips, until George, Noah and Jake show up to the apartment with Robbie in tow

"Tell them Robbie" George says angrily as they are all gathered in the lounge

Robbie remains quiet, a little scared

"What is it Robbie? Please tell us" Edward says

"Louis life is in actual danger right now" Drew says upset

"You told us you hadn't seen anything when we spoke to you?" Harry questions Robbie

"Please Robbie, we need to know what you know, you're not in any trouble" Joey reassures

Robbie sighs and starts talking.

"I lied when I said I didn't see Louis after Noah left, I didn't realise his life was in danger... I didn't know" he says and he's upset and sounds really sorry

"What did you see" Charlie asks

"I saw Louis talking to a man, well it looked like they were talking at first but, now that I know what his dad looks like and I saw the amber alert, I know they weren't just talking. The man was 100% his dad and Louis was pulled towards the woods" Robbie says

"Okay I want another sweep of the woodland area, we will extend the search" Charlie says full of authority.

Things move quickly then as Charlie and Joey pull up maps and their team get to work plotting out their areas.

"Thank you for coming forward" Andy tells Robbie

"I'm sorry I lied, I really hope Louis is okay" Robbie says and the boys nod, they are just thankful they have a place to search now.

Robbie leaves but the others decide to stay.

"What if they don't find him" George asks, he and the boys are really worried, their best friend is missing and they just want him back

"Louis is a fighter, and he will be okay, we will find him. We have too" Edward says

The boys nod and everyone just sits in silence watching the squad work, waiting for any news.

Harry and Scott sneak off for a breather into their bedroom.

"I can't stand this, Harry I just want him back, I just want to hold him" Scott says as his voice cracks and he lets a tear slip

"I know baby, it's going to be okay" Harry says as he takes Scott in his arms and they both let themselves feel their emotions.

"I love him, so much" Scott says

Harry leans back and puts his forehead on Scott's

"Me too, and we are both going to tell him when he comes home okay! Louis is strong and he's smart and he is going to come home to us"Harry says with conviction

Scott and Harry just hold each other close, praying it's true.

In the cabin, Louis slowly wakes in an awful amount of pain, Louis doesn't think he's ever been in this much pain before. Louis tries to move but realises his hand is handcuffed above his head. He can't move his other arm well because it's dislocated, as his senses come back he realises he's lying on his back on the single bed. He tries desperately to get his hand free but he can't.

"It's no use, I've made sure it's tight, I don't want you escaping this time" Troy says.

Louis realises that Troy has bordered up the cabin, all the windows and doors....everything. He then hears a hissing sound and he realises Troy is going to try to kill him with carbon monoxide poisoning. Louis panics and tries his hardest to get out of the restraints, he's in so much pain and can hardly move, his body is so sore. Troy then come over and sits in the chair near the tv.

He turns to Louis and smirks

"I never wanted you, did you know that?" Troy tells Louis.

Louis looks to Troy, tears in his eyes

"Your mother wanted to keep you, I was quite content with the other three boys. They were so well behaved, but your mother wanted you. I loved your mother and wanted her to be happy,  I thought everything would work out and that you would be well behaved too. When you were born you just cried all the time, I could never settle you but your mum, she always could. All you wanted was her. You took her away from me and I will never forgive you" Troy says evilly

Louis chest hurts, his dads words crush him, he misses his mum so much. Why couldn't his dad have died instead

"You grew up a wimp, the boys always had to baby you. They had to teach you everything, you could never fend for yourself, and then you came out gay to your mother. Do you know that's why she got sick? Because of the stress you put her under" Troy yells as he stands up

Louis is scared, he believes his dad and the instant guilt he feels is overwhelming.

"I'm going to kill us both, I don't have anything to live for now, all because of you! All because you couldn't keep your mouth shut you little snitch. I will meet your mother in heaven, but guess where you're going? Straight to hell and you know why? Because you're gay and because you caused your mother to die you murderer" Troy says

Louis heart breaks and he cries and cries,  his head starts to ache badly and his breathing becomes laboured, everything is getting overwhelming and Louis feels so weak. All he can do is lay there and wait for death. He deserves it.

Troy falls over and start coughing, he gasps for air a few times before he falls against the floor completely still.

Louis is still awake but he's tired, he hates himself, he doesn't deserve to live. As he closes his eyes and his breathing slows he vaguely hears a crash to his left but he's out before he can turn his head.

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