Part 10

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"Hiya kiddo" Drew says when Louis slides into Drew's Rover the next afternoon

"Hi" Louis says shyly

"How was your day?" Drew asks as he makes sure Louis is buckled up and begins to drive

Louis just shrugs

"Ready to see Kimberly?" Drew asks

Louis sighs

"Yeah I guess" Louis responds

"The boys are looking forward to having you over tonight for dinner" Drew then says

"Okay" Louis says

"You okay?" Drew asks confused

"I'm fine, you guys really don't have to have me over for dinner, or take me to my appointments I can get there myself or I don't really need them" Louis says

"We know Lou, we want to do these things and spend time with you though, do you not like spending time with us? Is that what this is all about" Drew asks warily

"No, I just....I like spending time with you I....just" Louis sighs out

Drew doesn't respond, he just smiles slightly and they drive in silence just the radio playing.

They pull up at Kimberly's and Drew leads Louis in, his arm around his waist. Kimberly greets them and notices Louis looks out of sorts

"Can we have a chat first Drew?" Kimberly says nicely

"Of course, is that okay Lou?" Drew asks

Louis nods

"Have a seat Louis and we won't be long, help yourself to anything" Kimberly says smiling

Louis makes his way to the waiting room chairs, Kimberly's office is huge and beautiful, it has a nice calming feeling about it which eases Louis mind. He watches as Drew and Kimberly make their way to Kimberly's office and the door is shut.

Drew sits down and Kimberly sits opposite him

"How's things been? He looks out of sorts" Kimberly says

Drew sighs

"He was absolutely fine, the whole week he was with us, laughing, smiling, eating, contributing to the conversation. We had a great week, even though he was sick. The day before he was due to go home, that's when he became upset, agitated, wouldn't talk to us and he's still like that" Drew says worriedly

Kimberly nods in understanding, writing a few things down

"Do you think he might harm himself?" Kimberly asks

"I don't know Kim, I really don't know. Walking in and finding him, it hit me hard, I don't want to lose him, the boys and I will do anything to help him we just can't lose him too" Drew says shakily

"I know Drew, it's okay alright, we will get Louis through this, all of us, together" Kimberly says reassuringly

Drew nods smiling slightly

"He's got a sore shoulder, won't admit it, Harry and Scott caught him skipping school yesterday, buying bruise cream in the grocery store. He freaked out when they asked him about it, he took off" Drew says

"There's something going on that he's hiding and we will get to the bottom of what it is, okay. I promise" Kimberly says with conviction

"Thanks Kim" Drew says

Kimberly smiles and they both get up, they step out of the office and Kimberly calls Louis in

"I'll be in the waiting room" Drew says as he kisses Louis on the head and walks to the chairs

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