Part 12

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Louis doesn't talk on the way home, he just sits in the car looking out the window. When they pull up at Louis place they all get out.

"Don't worry about the operation Lou, we promise you'll be okay and we will all be there while you recover okay" Drew says as they walk up the driveway, Drew places his arm around Louis in comfort

"Thanks Drew" Louis replies

When they walk into the house, Troy is waiting for them all in the kitchen, he greets the boys with big smiles and hugs

"Dad, what happened to your face?" Andy asks concerned as he looks at Troy

Troy has a huge scratch going along his cheek. Troy looks towards Louis and then back to Andy.

The boys look to Louis and then to Troy

"Lou, did you?" Edward asks confused

Louis breathing picks up, his dad has made that scratch on purpose and is blaming Louis

"No....I..." Louis shakes his head

"It's fine boys, Louis was upset, I know deep down he didn't mean it, it was just one of his usual outbursts" Troy says

Louis looks towards Troy confused and upset, he's playing his part well, making Louis look like the bad guy

"Louis, kid, we really need to talk about this, you can't be lashing out and hurting people" Edward says a little angrily

Louis sees his dad smirk at him

"This is really unlike you Louis, we definitely need to up your appointments with Kimberly" Andy says, he too sounds disappointed

"But....I" Louis tries

"Louis, we know you've been through a lot over the last year but that's no excuse, you can't be behaving like this" Edward says

Drew stays quiet watching Louis carefully, something is not adding up here

"It's okay boys, I do think it's best he sees Kimberly more often though, if she can help him control his anger, I'd really appreciate it, it's just been so hard and I don't really have anyone to lean on now that your mum is gone, I guess we both just miss her" Troy says as he pretends to hold back tears

"Look dad, if you need us to take Louis for a while, if you guys need a break, we can look after him for a while. We won't put up with that kind of behaviour, we can maybe help" Andy says

Louis is completely lost for words and he's having a hard time breathing. He can't believe this is happening and that his brothers are believing this crap.

"No that's okay I can handle him" Troy says

"You shouldn't have to handle him, Louis, to say we're disappointed is an understatement, this is not okay, you have no right to take your anger out on dad" Andy says angrily

"Especially after all he does for you Louis, life might be frustrating or upsetting at times but this is completely unacceptable and appalling to hear" Edward tells Louis harshly  

Louis is so upset he's starting to panic, he's had enough of listening to it all and races upstairs to his room, he closes the door and breaks, he has a pretty bad panic attack and he ends up crying on his bed.

Andy and Edward go to follow Louis

"Just leave him boys, I'll go, it's fine, thank you though, I really appreciate you being there for me" Troy says

"Are you sure dad? We really didn't know this was what you were dealing with and we're sorry we haven't been around enough" Andy says

"It's fine boys, it's not your fault at all, you've done and do more than enough, especially for Louis. He's just tough at the moment and I'm not used to him physically hurting me" Troy says

"Dad, the fact he's even threatening to hurt you is not okay, like to the point you could call the police on him, that scratch is nasty and looks painful" Edward says

"I don't think that's necessary boys, look, I will if it gets to much but I can handle him at the moment okay" Troy says

The boys sigh but agree, telling Troy they will up Louis appointments and be having a few words with him about it all. They aren't happy

When they leave they get in the car and begin the drive home

"You're quiet Drew what's wrong?" Andy asks a little concerned

Drew sighs

"I just have a very hard time believing Louis is violent or acting anything like dad is implying" Drew says

"You think dads lying?" Andy asks curiously

"Why would he lie?" Edward asks

"I'm not sure but I'm not about to turn my back on Louis, he deserves to tell his side of the story and I'm going to listen" Drew says

The boys are silent as they take in Drew's words, it's all a little confusing and they just hope they can help Louis and get to the bottom of his behaviour 

Upstairs Louis is startled when his dad barges into his room, the door breaking as he does

Louis breath hitches and he backs up on the bed.

"That went better than I thought, they really do hate you" Troy smirks

Louis panics when he sees his dad holding a knife.

"My plan is working perfectly, the boys are so disappointed in you Louis and believed every single thing I told them about you. So when they find you've actually taken your life this time, it will be no surprise" Troy said smirking

"Wh....what??" Louis asks upset

"Poor Louis, you were just so upset, so disappointed in yourself and you couldn't live with yourself knowing you're turning into a monster, your last suicide attempt didn't work but no one believes it was an accident Louis, and No one suspects me" Troy chuckles

"I...please" Louis whispers, scared out of his mind 

"Don't worry Lou, this time you'll succeed" Troy says evilly 

Louis tries to run but his dad is stronger and grabs him, Louis can't use his left arm so he struggles to get his dad off him. He tries to fight and manages to strike out at Troy a few times but Troy manages to pin Louis down and it's all a blur as Troy slits Louis wrist and Louis ends up passing out.

Troy gets up off Louis and Waites a few minutes, he then takes out his phone, he calls the ambulance pretending to sound upset, pretending he just found Louis in his bedroom and he's tried to commit suicide

Troy is good at playing his role when the ambulance turns up, acting like a distraught father, enough for Amy and Sammy to believe him. Louis has a very weak pulse and they stabilise him as best they can before they escort him to the hospital. Troy following behind hoping Louis won't wake up at all.

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