Part 22

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After the boys all go home, Louis has a shower and changes into his sweats and a sweater, he makes his way to the couch to watch TV, Andy and Drew are on shift, Edward is out at the store and Scott and Harry are in their room, Louis doesn't know what they are doing but he's hoping they aren't avoiding him after this morning.

Louis curls up on the couch under a blanket and turns on FRIENDS he's nearly fallen asleep when Harry and Scott come out of their room. Scott with a sling in his hands, Louis rolls his eyes in jest

"Thought I'd forgotten didn't you" Scott smiles cheekily

"No, but I was hoping" Louis says back

Scott and Harry chuckle and sit on either side of Louis.

"I think you should take some pain relief as well" Scott says as he and Harry gently help Louis sit up

"I can handle it" Louis says

Scott and Harry sigh

"Listen Lou, we know you can handle the pain, we don't doubt that at all, but like we've said before, you don't need too, your body won't heal if it's trying to deal with pain" Harry says

"And like I've said to you before, I don't like how the pain relief makes me feel" Louis says frustratingly

"Lou, are you worried about getting addicted?" Scott asks in realisation

"No, I.....maybe.... I just don't want to become my dad" Louis says

"Firstly you're nothing like your dad darling, the fact that you're conscious of not wanting to be like him, shows you're not" Harry says

"Was your dad addicted to pills Lou?" Scott asks carefully

Louis fidgets with his sweater sleeve uncomfortably

"He...yeah...the sleeping pills he made me take, he used to take them with pain killers all the time and when he was high he's hit me harder. He wouldn't do it all the time but when he did...." Louis says

"Sweetheart, thank you for telling us that, but we can assure you, we control the dosage and you can trust us, we won't let you get addicted, there's certain things we use to make sure that doesn't happen and when you're in pain, is when we need to help you. The effect these painkillers have, is nothing like what your dad was taking" Scott reassures.

"And there's no way, these will make you violent or anything" Harry says

Louis sighs

"I trust you....I just" Louis starts

"Look Lou, just rest for now okay, we're not going to force you to take anything. If your pain get really bad and you can't sleep then we can try something okay" Scott says

"Yeah okay, thanks" Louis says nodding in thanks x

The boys smile, they help Louis put the sling on, he can still move his arm so Scott's happy to have it over his shirt as long as Louis is careful taking his arm in and out of his clothing.

The three of them settle down on the couch and absentmindedly snuggle into each other, Harry stroking Louis hair as he half lays on top of Harry, his legs over Scott

Scott and Harry look towards each other, it's not often they are alone in the apartment, especially with Louis and the sexual tension they all have been experiencing over the last month or so is getting a lot, Scott and Harry are pretty confident Louis knows they want more with him but the last thing they want to do is pressure him. When Louis shifts and sits up, he loses balance because of his shoulder, Harry and Scott both reach out to steady him and they catch his gorgeous blue eyes 

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