Part 16

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After Harry, Scott and Kimberly tell the boys everything, they are completely shocked and heartbroken. They feel so guilty they didn't see this sooner and they feel like they've failed Louis.

When they've had time to take everything in they all go to see Louis, it's complete raw emotions from them all as they hold Louis and cry with him. They apologise over and over and promise Louis that they will never  let anyone hurt him ever again and he believes them. He trusts his brothers so much and knows he's done the right thing in finally telling them the truth.

There's so many emotions going around Louis head and he is just trying to navigate through everything, the boys, Kimberly, what happens next, what happens to his dad, where he's going to live. It's all so overwhelming and Louis finds himself withdrawing. The boys of course apply for custody of Louis and he is so thankful he has them, but he also feels guilty for uprooting their lives and he doesn't want to be a burden to them.

It's the day before Louis is allowed to leave when the boys all walk in with Kimberly, Harry and Scott. Louis is a little surprised and sits up in bed bringing his knees to his chest, he's thankful he can wear his own clothes now. He's also free from his drips and everything, although his arm is now in a sling.

"Hey darling" Harry talks first

The boys all come and stand and sit around the room, Harry and Scott on either side of Louis bed, facing him

"What's wrong?" Louis asks, he can tell somethings wrong instantly

It's quiet before Kimberly takes control

"Lou, we have some news on your dad" she says and Louis can't read her tone

"Okay" he says shakily

The boys sigh

"Lou, we tried to contact dad a few days ago and we couldn't get hold of him, when we went round to the house it was completely trashed, he's done a runner" Drew says solemnly

"Wha....where's he gone? What does that mean, does he know I snitched?" Louis asks scared

"We're not sure, but we think he must know something, otherwise there's really no reason to leave" Andy says

"This is why I didn't want to tell anyone, he's going to kill me, he's going to find me and kill me for snitching" Louis says distraught

"Lou, we would never, ever let that happen" the boys say, trying to reassure Louis.
"Well you can't stop him, you don't know him, didn't live with him for the past seven years, you didn't see what he did to me" Louis says brokenly

The boys hearts break for Louis

"I want to get out of here, please, when can I leave" Louis asks on the verge of panicking

"Lou, I still need to operate on your shoulder" Scott says gently

Louis doesn't want a bar of any of this, he just can't deal with it all.

"I have room tomorrow, I promise you though, if all goes well, you can come home in two days. We can look after you at our place after surgery okay" Scott tells him.

Louis sighs, and just nods, inside he's scared shitless, he's never had an operation before and he's worried about living with the boys. He just doesn't want them to resent him.

When it's time for Louis operation, Scott and Harry walk into Louis room as the nurses are getting him prepared.

"How are you feeling darling?" Scott asks

Louis looks to Scott scared

"I don't want to do this, I'm really scared" Louis says vulnerably.

"I know sweetheart, but I promise you, you're in safe hands with Scotty, there's no way he will let anything bad happen okay" Harry reassures

"What if I don't wake up" Louis asks

"That won't happen, I can guarantee it, I promise it's not my first rodeo" Scott says cheekily, winking at Louis, trying to put him at ease. Louis smiles slightly.

"What if, my dad comes in while I'm asleep and kills me when I'm alone in my room" Louis says

The boys turn concerned at Louis question, the fact he's worrying about his dad hurting him

"Lou, your dad will not get past anyone in the hospital and you won't be left alone at all" Harry says

"Your dad won't be hanging around Lou, the police are after him, he's most likely left town" Scott says gently

Louis relaxes a little at that and nods

"Now, this is the good stuff, this is going to make you relax and you'll feel a little sleepy. Then we will put you to sleep and I'll fix your shoulder okay" Scott says

Louis nods and Harry and Scott help him lie down.

Louis is given the medicine and he's wheeled into the operating room Harry saying goodbye at the door.

"Scott" Louis asks worriedly, he's feeling so dopy and weird

"I'm here Lou" Scott says as he comes to hold Louis hand 

The doctors don't usually enter the room before the patient is asleep so the team know Louis means a lot to Scott for him to be by Louis side

"Please don't let anyone hurt me" Louis asks quietly and Scott's heart absolutely breaks for Louis.

"You have my word sweetheart" Scott replies

"Hi there Louis, my name is Amy and I'm just going to put this mask on to help you breathe okay, we're going to put you to sleep now" Amy says kindly

Louis grips Scott's hand like a vice

"It's okay darling, just relax, we're all here to look after you" Scott says

Louis breathing picks up but he feels so sleepy

"Just relax, go with the medicine Lou, you're safe" Scott tells him

"You're doing great Louis" Amy says

"We've got you Lou" Scott says and then Louis is completely out

The operation goes smoothly but Louis will have permanent damage to his shoulder and he has to be very careful as to not dislocate his shoulder again.

When he's allowed back to the boys penthouse he's so thankful. When he walks into the spare room though, he's stopped in his tracks and completely blown away.

He turns to the boys who are standing in the room behind him.

"What?" He asks shaking his head confused

"This is your room now kiddo, for good" Drew says

The boys have completely transformed the spare room, they've put framed movie posters on the walls, Back to the Future being the feature. They've changed the bedcovers to blue and white and decorated the room with some lights and a desk with an awesome computer. Louis is so overwhelmed, he doesn't know what to say

"Why, you didn't have to do this, really" Louis says quietly

"We wanted to do this Louis, we are so happy you will be with us permanently" Andy says

Louis feels so many emotions and his chest aches, he just wants to cry.

"What's wrong kiddo?" Edward asks gently as he moves towards Louis

"I's to much, I'm so sorry you have to take me in, I didn't want that, I don't want you to resent me, or feel obliged. I know I'm a burden and I'm so sorry!" Louis says as a tear slips down his cheek

"No, we are sorry Louis. We are sorry for not being there, sorry for what you have been dealing with, we are the ones that need to apologise" Drew says

"You're not a burden Lou, you're never going to be and we are thankful we get the chance to have you in our lives again. We want you here and we will look after you and protect you and make sure you have a great life" Andy says sincerely

Louis chokes up at that and the boys move to hug him gently and comfort him. They will do everything they can to show Louis how much he means to them and how far they will go to protect him.

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