Part 13

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Harry and Scott are finishing up with a patient when they get the call that the ambulance is on their way with a code red

They get as organised as they can before Sammy and Amy are charging through the hallway, where they meet Scott and Harry

As soon as Scott and Harry notice Louis on the gurney their hearts sink

"Suicide attempt, blood loss, pulse is weak, we've managed to stop the bleeding but we can't stabilise his pulse" Amy relays

"Okay, Abbey call the blood bank, we need two litres urgently, Lucy get a line in, fluids up" Harry says, his tone hurried

Lucy and Abbey nod and get to work straight away

Everyone gets to work and Harry and Scott try to stabilise Louis once again. They try to put aside their feelings and just focus on keeping him alive.

"His artery hasn't been severed but he's lost a lot of blood" Scott says as he assesses Louis wound.

"His pulse is all over the place" Harry says worriedly

Things happen quickly and Louis is hooked up to blood and fluids. Harry and Scott do a few tests to find out why Louis won't stabilise, there has to be another reason.

When Louis test results come back Harry is concerned

"It's his kidney, he needs antibiotics straight away" Harry relays to Scott before he's telling the nurses what to do.

"Those antibiotics should have cleared his infection up, somethings not right" Scott says

The boys are worried something just doesn't add up.

Scott finishes stitching Louis wrist up and they wait for Louis to respond.

"Come on kid" Scott says as they watch the monitor hoping Louis pulse starts to stabilise

"Let's put more blankets on him, get him as warm as possible" Harry instructs

After about seven long minutes Louis pulse finally starts to stabilise

"Thank god" Scott says

They give the nurses instructions to change Louis and clean him up before they both leave Louis cubicle and head to chat alone

"I really don't understand what's going on" Harry says as Scott shuts the door behind him

Scott remains silent,

"How the hell are we going to tell the boys he tried something, again, they will be crushed" Harry says, tears in his eyes

"We're going to have to put him on a seven day suicide watch" Harry then says

Harry sighs and looks towards Scott who's silent with his hands on his hips

"What?" Harry asks curiously

Scott sighs and rubs his hands down his face

"Scotty?" Harry asks

"There is no possible way he inflicted that wound on himself Harry" Scott says and Harry looks at Scott in wonder

"I strapped his arm so tightly and it's still completely intact, he can't move his hand properly, how the hell did he have enough force to slit his wrist. If he had have, his shoulder would have dislocated again with the force" Scott says and Harry realises Scott is right

"Wholly shit Scott" Harry says

"Yeah, I know we can't prove anything just yet and we have to let things play out but I am not ruling out Louis being abused and someone wanting to make sure he wouldn't tell" Scott says

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