Part 25

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When Harry, Scott and Louis make it to the apartment Louis doesn't want the questions to start, he doesn't want the boys to think he's going crazy. He just runs straight past the boys in the lounge and to his room.

Harry and Scott sigh and head to the lounge where the boys are.

"He okay?" Edward asks

"Not really, he's pretty shaken up" Harry says

"The poor kid" Andy says

"Joey and Charlie are on their way over" Drew says

Harry and Scott nod, they just hope Louis is okay

When Joey and Charlie show up, the boys all greet them with hugs and they make it to the lounge room. Drew gets everyone a beer and Andy orders Thai for everyone. They sit down and get comfortable.

"How's Louis" Charlie asks

Charlie and Joey remember Louis as a cute 8 year old, he was always wanting to be doing whatever his brothers were doing and he would get so upset when he had to stay behind.

The boys would always make sure they brought Louis something back, whenever they went out. they also tried to take him places too, they often took him to the movies and the toy store. Charlie and Joey remember the boys having to sit through Back the the Future over and over again, but they loved it, they would literally do anything for Louis.

When Louis left with his parents, it was evident that the boys missed him a lot, they would talk about him all the time and would make so much effort to see him when they could. Until uni got to much and their mum got sick, they just lost touch a little. Charlie and Joey can tell how much the boys love having Louis back in their lives and how grateful they are he's safe.

"He's pretty shaken up" Scott says

"Understandable, did either of you two see Troy at all?" Joey asks

"No, nothing, we just saw Louis stop running" Harry says defeated

Harry and Scott were introduced to Joey and Charlie early on and they all became good friends, so they've all known each other for years and they trust each other impeccably.

"Well we went down to the fields, we couldn't find anything" Joey says

Just then Louis walks out of his room, he's showered and changed into his black sweats and black sweater. He looks so small, he has his phone in his hand and looks shaken

"You okay darling?" Harry asks concerned as he walks over to Louis

Louis looks at everyone in the room

"Lou, you remember Charlie and Joey" Andy says

"Yeah, hi" Louis says shyly as Harry reaches him and kisses him on the head in comfort

"Hiya Lou, we didn't think you'd remember us" Charlie says smiling

Charlie and Joey are attractive, Charlie has blonde hair and Joey has brown, both chiseled and muscly, intimidating, typical cops. Louis remembers them as being so nice though.

"I remember you, you fixed my skateboard that time" Louis says shyly.

"We did, are you still skating? I remember we could never get you off that thing" Joey says smiling

Louis blushes embarrassed.

"Not so much" he smiled shyly

The boys smile fondly at Louis, he's so adorable and shy.

"Joey and Charlie have just come by to have a chat about Troy. If you're okay with that" Drew says making sure Louis is okay.

"I guess" Louis says

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