Part 20

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Robbie is called in the office first, to tell his side of the story, he has a split lip and he's given an ice pack but Louis is glad he got a decent hit in.

When it's Louis turn Robbie leaves the office smirking at Louis and Louis knows he's in trouble, Robbie heads straight back to class and Louis realises Robbie has talked his way out of a punishment.

Louis is reprimanded and scolded, his brothers are called and he's on the verge of breaking. He's given an ice pack for his eyebrow that's starting to give him some grief now his adrenaline has worn off.

Louis waits in the principals office for his brothers, he's so upset and on the verge of having a panic attack. What if they disown him, what if they don't want him in the apartment anymore, what if they hate him now.

Louis is brought out of his thoughts by Scott and Drew's voices, they must have had to leave work for this.

"Louis" They both say as they see him in the office waiting.

Louis looks so small and lost, he's pale and his uniform shirt is ripped and covered in blood

"You okay kiddo?" Drew asks as he and Scott bend down in front of Louis chair.

Louis nods

"I'll check you over when we get home okay" Scott says as they get up.

Louis has to wait outside as Scott and Drew talk to the principal. It's a long twenty minutes when before they come out, they look upset and disappointed, they don't say anything to Louis and just guide him out of the office and to the car.

Scott buckles Louis in the backseat of the Rover, he gets in the passenger side and both boys turn to Louis.

"I'm sorry" Louis looks down ashamed

"Sorry for what? Not kicking him in the nuts too?" Drew asks

Louis looks up and at a smirking Drew surprised

"Wha?" Louis asks confused

"Look kiddo, don't get us wrong, we absolutely do not condone violence and you of all people should know that, and Andy and Edward are going to flip shit, but just know, we understand" Drew says

Louis wipes a tear that's fallen and they get to driving home, his eyebrow and shoulder really hurting.

When they pull up at home and enter the penthouse, Andy and Edward are waiting in the lounge. Looking angry.

Louis walks over shyly and Scott and Drew sit on the couch, Louis stands in front of them all, feeling intimidated.

"We know you know we're disappointed Louis" Andy speaks first

Louis nods

"I'm sorry" Louis whispers

"What happened? Your version not the schools" Edward asks

"I...Robbie and his friends came over and just started being arseholes, and I know I shouldn't have reacted but he told me dad didn't want me and soon you guys wouldn't t either and I didn't mean to react and I don't want to be like dad, I don't and I'm sorry.. I really didn't mean it but I'm sick of not fighting back, i never could with dad because when I tried once he he he broke my arm on two places and dislocated my shoulder, he didn't take me to the doctors for three days as part of the punishment and i never fought back after that, but I just needed to hit him I'm sorry, I don't want to be like him, I don't" Louis says in one breath and he breaks down.

Andy gets up and brings Louis in close to him, he hugs him so tightly.

"It's okay, Lou, it's okay kiddo. You listen to me, you listen to us" Andy says as he pulls Louis off him and cups his face "you are NOTHING like dad, kiddo, absolutely NOTHING like him. What you did was not something we agree with, but that doesn't mean you're a bad person or that you are turning into dad. You're such a wonderful kid Louis, who reacted on impulse. It's okay" Andy says reassuringly

"You're mad at me, I didn't mean to disappoint you" Louis says upset

"We aren't mad Louis, we're disappointed you hit Robbie and started the fight yes, we're disappointed you are the one who got into trouble and a week suspension yes, but we aren't mad at you. We understand" Edward says

"We aren't going to kick you out Lou, we aren't going to disown you as our brother, so get that right out of your head" Drew chuckles

"Look Lou, you will have to suffer the consequences of your actions, take the week suspension, write your letter of apology and that's enough of a punishment, especially when Robbie and his bullying is the cause of all of this" Andy says

Louis just nods

"I really am sorry" Louis says quietly

"We know kiddo" Andy says

"You'll need to let us look at your eyebrow, it looks pretty bad" Edward says

Louis nods

"Can the boys still sleepover?" Louis asks cutely

The boys all laugh at Louis cuteness and are glad he's asking and trying to push them.

"You're a menace Louis Tomlinson" Scott says smiling

Louis half smiles at that

"Only because we love you and we think it's unfair what happened" Andy says

Louis smiles so wide and the boys can't help but smile in response

"Now let me look at your eyebrow and shoulder to make sure you're okay" Scott says pointedly
Louis wipes his eyes and sniffles, he makes his way over to Scott and sits down while he asses him.

Louis looks up at Scott as he's checking his eyebrow, Scott is so beautiful and his grey eyes are so gorgeous. The serious look on his face is intimidating, yet Louis finds him so gentle with him. Scott catches Louis staring and smirks, causing Louis to blush.

"You'll need a stitch or two, it's split right open" Scott says gently

"K, can you do it here?" Louis asks

"I have no anaesthetic to numb your eyebrow here" Scott says

"I don't mind" Louis says

Scott smirks and shakes his head

"Let me look at your shoulder" Scott says

He then grabs Louis shoulder gently but Louis hisses in pain

"Lou, this isn't good, you must have hit him hard" Scott says

"Well I split his lip and my knuckles in the process, so I'm hoping it was hard" Louis says sassily

Scott chuckles

"Look, I'll butterfly clip your eyebrow until Harry gets home, I'll get him to bring supplies so I can stitch it. As for your shoulder, it's really bruised and i would like to put it in a sling for a few days

"Ughhhh Scott please not tonight, can I put it in a sling tomorrow when the boys leave?" Louis asks slightly begging

Scott sighs

"Fine, but I don't want you moving it or being rough understand" he says pointedly

"Okay, okay" Louis agrees

Scott smiles and ruffles Louis hair, he then gets to fixing Louis head and making sure Harry brings supplies home.

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