Part 17

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"How was school kiddo?" Drew smiles as Louis enters the penthouse and into the lounge

"Okay" Louis smiles slightly

Harry and Drew are siting on the couch watching TV, Scott In the kitchen making snacks

"Just okay?" Harry asks

Over the last six months Louis has come a long way, he's seeing Kimberly fortnightly and apart from the occasional nightmares, he's dealing with his past and his dad. He's coming to terms with the fact his dad skipped town and is on the run, that he may never see him get what he deserves, but that that's okay. Louis is healing emotionally and the boys and their love and attention has so much to do with that. Creating a stable and loving, safe environment for Louis has been such a blessing to him and he's so thankful for the boys.

Allowing Louis the freedom to be himself has really helped, Louis was scared to do anything without asking, for fear of being yelled at or hurt but the more he learnt to trust the boys and their love the safer he felt. He does push the line when it comes to rules sometimes and the boys are actually thankful for it, thankful he feels safe enough to do so.

The boys have been so overprotective and Louis has a lot of rules to abide by but the rules don't make him feel upset or frustrated, they make him feel cared for and loved and he couldn't ask for more.

Harry and Scott have become extremely close to Louis and the boys are actually amazed at the bond the three of them share and they couldn't ask for anything more for Louis.

"Yeah, just okay, soccer was cancelled today" Louis says

The boys have allowed Louis to play on the school team, soccer is a release for Louis and he's really good at it, so good that there's a few university's wanting to give him a scholarship next year. Louis has to be careful of his shoulder though, but he's been fine and the boys love how happy he is when he plays.

"Well I can give you a run for your money on Fifa if you like" Scott says smirking as he walks into the lounge with some snacks

Louis smiles

"I know you let me win" Louis says cheekily

"I promise I won't this time" Scott winks

"That's what you say every time" Louis rolls his eyes fondly and the boys laugh

"Are you hungry?" Harry asks as he grabs some snacks from Scott

"Not really, I have lots of homework" Louis says

"Make sure you take a break Lou, you were up late last night too" Drew says worriedly

"I know, I just have a big assignment due" Louis says tiredly

"Well you need to eat too, I'll bring you in some snacks before dinner" Harry says with no room to argue

Louis just nods and leaves the room to head to his room to study. The boys have created Louis a study space with a desk and computer, he also has a laptop he takes to school. Louis loves the space but he prefers to sit by the floor to ceiling window with his laptop to work, he loves watching the rain fall down over the city.

Louis gets changed from his uniform into black sweats and a black sweater, socks on his feet. He then makes camp against the window, ready to get this assignment done.

Harry walks in a few minutes later with some snacks for Louis.

"You have a huge desk with lots of space and you chose the floor by the window" Harry chuckles fondly when he enters

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