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Leilani's POV:

I'm getting sick of Oscar's little pop ups. Why the fuck does he always just appear. OUT OF NOWHERE.

"Can you leave?" I snapped.

He furrowed his brows. "No I think I'll stick around for a bit." He gave a sarcastic smile.

I rolled my eyes. "Oscar please just leave. Now's not the time."

"I think it's the perfect time. Anyways who's this guy that you met?" He asked.

"Uh none of your concern. Well I mean that's if Lani wants it to be your concern. But she is an independent woman that can do what she wants-" I cut Ru off before he could finish.

"What he said Oscar. It doesn't concern you."

"If he knows what my son looks like then it does." He said.

"Why do you care so fucking much?" I kind of raised my voice. "God it just never ends with you! Holy fuck Oscar we've been back and forth for years now! Why do you give a fuck?"

He nodded his head. "Because you're the mother of my child that's why I care."

"Bullshit." I spat.

He laughed. "Right because I never cared about you? I never did anything for you? I was never there for you? I didn't help you out of bed in morning when you pregnant? I didn't help you get through your moms death? I didn't help you cope with everything that's happened to you? We might not be together but that doesn't mean I don't care about you, specifically our child."

Before I could say anything Ru got in his face. "No. You don't get to walk up in my house and talk to her like that. You can say everything you did for her from the beginning to the end of your relationship all you want. But who ended the relationship? Huh? You wanna answer that one? Who cheated on her? Who left her to raise a child on her own? Who publicly humiliated her? Who did that? You did." Ru pointed a finger his chest. "You can say all your rights all day and all damn night but they don't out weigh your wrongs for the shit you did. Not only to Lani, but your damn kid." Ru scoffed. "Give it up, she's not coming back to you. You fucked up, own up to it and take the loss and move on watching you do this keep coming back shit is  getting pathetic to watch." Ru gave him a stern look and walked away.

I was speechless but not mad. Ru said everything that needed to be said. And everything I wanted to say. 

Oscar kept staring at the floor.

I let out a sigh. "He's not wrong. Not wrong about a damn thing he said. You sure as shit don't get get to rub everything you did that was good for me in my face like I never appreciated it. You act is if I never cared when I did. Now your seeing how much I did and that bothers you that I don't anymore."

We just sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"Can we go take a drive like old times?" He asked.

I glared at him.

"Lei, I'm serious."

"Sure why not." I said sarcastically. I walked to Ruby's room and saw him and Isaac together on the bed sleeping. I wrote a pieces of paper by his phone that I was leaving a sun that my phone is on so he can text me. I also sent him a text going into detail about was happening.

I walked passed Oscar and he followed me out the door.

We eventually got in his car and we just listened to his music.

This brought back a lot of memories from when me and him were together. It warms my heart thinking about it. God first loves suck.

I saw we were heading towards the beach and he was turning into the parking lot where we have a lot of memories together.

"You chose this spot because?" I questioned.

"It's where we've always had our best conversations. Where we always figured out things." He said and lit a cigarette.

I nodded my head.

"Please just talk to my Lei." He pleaded.

"I have nothing to say. If I do say anything I'll be repeating myself. I don't want to sound like a broken record." I stared at him a moment.

"You know something? I never thought we'd end up here years later."

"Yeah me neither." He said.

"No I mean that, all the shit we went through together, from breaking up every few months, you cheating on me and I voiced to myself to never stay with a cheater but I stayed with you." I pity laughed at  myself. "To having a kid, me moving across the country, you becoming some psycho maniac trying to still have control over me. I never once thought that this is where we'd be." I sighed.

"I never wanted to put you through that shit." Oscar voice became firm. "You think I wanted to hurt you? You think I wanted to lose you?" He raised his voice. "You've never been in my position. You don't understand the things you have to do to keep up with it."

I huffed. "Don't you think I know that? I thought about that every time you fucked up. But you know what's a real leader if he doesn't listen to his pack right?" I bitchily said.

"I wanted so much-" I cut him off.

"Key word wanted. You never needed me. Just like I never needed you. That's the thing with you Oscar, you always want something. You never need anything."

"You think I didn't need you. I needed you more than everything I've ever needed in my entire life Lei. I needed you to sleep, eat, breathe, think. I needed you for all of that." He snapped.

"Actions speak louder than words." I snapped.

We both just sat there pissed off in silence. Just thinking about how I use to let this man embarrass me. It's appalling.

"You know something that's crazy?" Oscar spoke after breaking the few minutes of silence we had.

"What?" I sneered.

"This is was where it all started and this is where it's ending. I never thought that this would be it." He said and turned to look at me.

"Yeah I guess you can say everything was so unexpected."

I'm sorry for this long awaited update and ENDING. But we all know it had to be done, this book had soooo many left and right turns and I've been doing and redoing this book since like 2020. It's the end of an era. Fortunately. Because lowkey this book all over the place and I just couldn't keep up anymore. But I have other books out as of right now, and I just updated Yours and I also might release some more Oscar Diaz fanfics (if that's what y'all want? Or maybe some Ashtry from Euphoria fanfics??? Idk y'all just let me know.

Also thank you guys so much for reading especially the OG's who have been here since the very beginning of this book.  It's kind of sad this was my first book that I wrote and it's ended. ☹️. Oh well ily guys 😚😚


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