Chapter 17-The Truth Is Spoken-

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Leilani's POV:

"LEILANI GODDAMN SANTIAGO!"Ruby yelled so loud it shook the house.

"I'll give you guys a minute."Cesar nervously chuckled and walked out.

"So that's what you were hiding? Seriously Lani? It's like I don't even know who you are! You have so much potential and your throwing it away! For what huh? Nothing! You had so much going for you until you wanted to fell for that bum ass cholo!"He said in a psycho rage.

I just looked down. I couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to say.

"So what, your just going to sit there and not say anything?"

"Of course you won't, cause you know I'm saying the truth."He scoffed.

I let out a sigh and flopped backwards on my bed.

"I'm trying to talk to you after 6 months! And you have nothing to say!"He continued

I just rubbed my eyes and let out a deep breath holding composure together.

"I should've known. I should've known when everyone told me not to come around you in second grade! I should've listened. You wasted my time. Every laugh I had with you, how do I know it was real huh? I can't. You were my hermana. Mi familia. You broke that loyalty, that trust and respect. You ain't shit to me anymore Leilani."

First named ouch.

I sat back up and looked at him and just shrugged my shoulders.

"Well?........."He said with full attitude.

I just looked down, it wasn't his business on why I had to join the cartel. Even if it was I just wasn't ready to open up about that yet.

He scoffed and walked out of my house.

I was hurt. But I had to thug it out for real this time.

1 Week Later

Geny (Ruby's Mom) texted me a few days ago saying she wanted to see. I told I couldn't because of Ruby, but she texted me again today demanding me to come over since Ruby wasn't there.

I was walking out of my house when the cholos were all staring at. They all still can't believe that I'm Loopy.

After a few short minutes I arrived at the Martinez house hold. Geny was already waiting on the front porch for me.

"MIJA!"She said running up to me and pulling me into a tight hug.

"Hey Ma."I said.

"Common let's go inside and talk."She said walking towards the steps.

I explained to her everything that had happened in the past couple of months and shit that I've left out about my childhood. She was shocked and upset that I had to deal with so much. I told her the complete truth.

"Oh, sweetie I'm so sorry."She pulled me into another hug but this time it was a mother daughter hug.

"It's okay, it's not your apology to make."

We continued talking for the next like 20 minutes, we were laughing in the kitchen and we didn't even realize that Ruby and group had came in.

"I told you stay away from me, and especially my mom!"Ruby shouted.

"I-"I was cut off by Geny.

"Actually I demanded her to come over, Ruby. So you have no say in this."She scolded.

"I don't care mom! Do you know who she runs with?!"He screeched.

There was a knock at the door.

"Were gonna go get that."Monse said dragging Jamal and Cesar with her.

I stepped into Ruby and Geny's argument.

"Look I only came over here to talk to your mom because she asked me to Ruby. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'm gonna go now, nice seeing you."I waved good bye and started walking for the front door when I heard.


I let out a deep breath and turned around heading for the back door so I could be in the back yard and not in the house.

I heard the door open and slam shut. I immediately spun around and saw Oscar.

"What the fuck?"I said under my breath.

I was on the back porch sitting on the steps when I heard yelling coming from inside.

Geny's POV: (Ruby's Mom incase you forgot :))

Ruby kept going on and on about how I was being selfish and how Leilani isn't welcome here. I know I'm a proud Latina and doesn't let there kids talk shit. But I let this one go for good reason, well that was until I heard from the living room Ruby said,

"I hate her so much. She had no business being here regardless of my mom telling her to. She had an option be in the cartel or be involved with the Santos. She had that chance to be great. I'm gonna sit here and watch someone waste there life away that I cared about. She really just needs grow up."

I walked into the living room fast, I was angry that Ruby was talking shit about his sister. Yes I do think of her as my own.

I had anger built up inside of me for so long about Leilani's life that I finally yelled it out.

"Grow up? Ruby!"I yelled.

He just looked at me in shock.


"Leilani has done nothing but grow up. She grew up before all of you did. She grew up on her own. She had her innocence ripped away from her, her whole childhood! She never had parents! Even when her mom was around she was to cracked out to care! Her mom would beat on her! Her mom would let her boyfriend's touch on her! Her mom could never pay the bills on time so she had to do what had to be done Ruby! She got raped into the cartel! She had no going back after that! So if anybody here needs to grow up it's you!"


I death stared him and swiftly walked to my bedroom so I could have some time to cool down.

What's gonna happen next? Find out in the next chapter of Unexpected.

Please let me know how you guys are liking the story so far pleaseee;)))


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