Chapter 12-Graduated-

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Leilani's POV:

It was Friday, Latrelle didn't show at school yesterday. I knew something was about to happen. Not going to lie I was on edge.

I pushed my thoughts out of the way when I started to get ready. (pic above)

I knew I was about to get shit from Oscar but I was only going to be there for like an hour and a half so I really didn't care.

I walked out of the house and I seen Oscar sitting on the couch with Cesar.

Yep, I'm gonna get shit for this.

"Daymmmmnn, my bebita fine as fuck." He said pulling me in for a kiss and grabbing my ass.

"Shit. I thought you'd be mad about this." I giggled.

"I mean I won't like the stares but fuck, your mine. All mine." He said looking me up and down.

"Can y'all stop eye fucking each other already. We gotta go." Cesar said annoyed.

"He's right."I say smiling at the both of them.

As I was walking into school I was getting a whole bunch of stares.

I just petty smiled and made my way to the office.

"Leilani get over here!"Mrs. Clark shouted.

"Hey, I'm like really excited sooo when does this whole thing happen?"I say practicaly jumping up and down.

"Okay, you go and clean out your locker. Come back and we'll get it all done in about an hour and YOUR GRADUATED BABY!"She shouted and started doing a little dance.

"Okay okay. I'll be back in about 15 minutes." I said leaving her office.

I went to my locker and started taking my pictures and stickers off. Everybody was looking at me but I really honest to good didn't care. One more hour and I'll seen these people again.

I got all of my personal items in my bag and I had thrown out everything else besides the text books. So I just placed them over my locker.

As I was wrapping up the my locker, I was about to close my locker until.

"Of course your dropping out, gonna end up being a static." Ruby scoffed.

"Really?"I shouted.

"Yeah you are Leilani. I mean look at you, first it's a gang banger boyfriend, second it's fighting Latrelle, now it's dropping out. What the fuck else did you expect." He looked at me in disgust.

"Your right Ruby."I said.

I put a smile on my face and closed my locker, and walked away. But before I was to far I said.

"You know I think it's pretty funny how you tell me to leave you guys alone. But yet your the one talking to me. Obsessed much Ru?" I rolled my eyes and turned back around and had a big smile on my face.

Ruby was not going to ruin this day for me. Actually nobody was. I have worked to hard and came to far to let someone ruin this day.

I walked back into the office.

"Okay where's my cap and gown?" I smiled.

"Right here, hurry up and put it on so we can get you out of here!" Mrs. Clark shoved.

I quickly through on the outfit.

"Okay let's go to the front of the school." Mrs. Clark said as she was being followed by me, the principal and a year book photographer.

This was it just a few more steps.

Breathe Lani. Breathe.

She positioned me at the top of the steps, the my principal handed me my diploma.

We took the picture.

"Common, throw the cap!"She yelled

And I did. That was it. It was official.

"I can't believe I did it!" I shouted about to cry happy tears.

"You did, now go. Live your life Leilani you got this. I believe in you. Also remember to email me when you get rich and have a bomb ass house in the hills."She laughed.

"Yes mam. Thank you."I said.

We hugged and said our goodbyes.

At this point I have my cap and gown in my bag, now I was just waiting on Oscar at the front of the school.

I went and picked up my bag when I felt eyes on my.

I looked in front of me and it was the group. They had mixed expressions on their faces. The disappointed shocked look.

I waved.

They all started to come towards me.

"What just happened?"Jamal asked.

"I graduated!" I said all excited.

"HUH!"They all said in unison.

I saw Oscar pull up.

I looked at Ruby who was reaching out to look at my diploma. I was not going to let him touch it but I held it out in front of me.

"You know Ruby, I am a static. But not the one you were thinking of right?"I said walking away.

Oscar got of the car and hugged me and spun me around.

"I'm so proud of you."He sounded like he was about to cry.

"Okay dad."I smirked. He put me back on my feet.

"That's daddy to you." he licked his lips.

I laughed then kissed him.

We got into the car and started to drive off. I took one last look at the school then at the group. They were all sitting at the steps hugging each other. I felt a lit bit guilty because I knew I was the cause of that depressing hug but whatcha gonna do.

It was a few hours later and Cesar came in through the front door and me and Oscar were just chilling on the couch.

He just looked at me.

"Huh?"I said.

"You need to talk to Ruby. He's losing his mind. Literally."He looked and talked in a serious tone.

"Why is he losing is mind exactly?"I stood up out of Oscar's grip.

"Because he feels like the biggest dick in the world for trying to make you feel like shit and break up with Oscar."He said looking down.

"Well tell him he can meet me at my house at 9."I said walking into the kitchen.

I sat on the counter scrolling through feed when Oscar came in.

"You just gonna leave me like that?"He said with a devious smirk on his face.

"Lo siento compa." I said placing my hands around his neck.

"It's okay, but I think it's time I give you your graduation present." He said placing his hands on my sides.

"What's the gift?" I ask curiously even though I know damn well I know what it is.

"Lemme show you." He said then he kissed me and kissed down to my neck and found my sweet spot.

We were about to start taking our clothes off when Cesar came in.

"Can y'all not make babies on the counter?"He said in disgust.

"Hey. I can't get pregnant so there with be no babies being made." I laughed.

As soon as I said that Oscar just looked at me with sad eyes. Cesar looked at me in confusion.

What do y'all think is gonna happen?

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