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Leilani's POV: Two Days Later...

Me and Isaac just landed at LAX not long ago. Right now we are waiting for an Uber to pick us to bring us over to Ru's.

I made these plans as fast and as quickly as possible. I feel like I rushed in to coming here, like I wasn't thinking everything through. I only think this because of what just happens with Oscar. Just knowing he's been basically spying on us ever since we've left Freeridge freaks me the fuck out.

Ever since he's gotten all that power he's changed and I thought I'd do the same. But clearly I didn't. Even though he thinks he has the power to control everything, he didn't have the power to control me. And I'm some weird way that makes me feel more powerful than him.

I guess sitting on the curb waiting for mine and Isaac's Uber, and getting lost in thought isn't the worst thing to happen. I just had a realization that I desperately needed.

I'm powerful than I think.


Hours Later...

"I can't believe you've all been back in Freeridge for months and nobody told me." I said shocked.

"Well you vanished and stopped being activate on every app there is known to man. Like do you even have a cellphone?" Jamal asked.

Me and Monse laughed.

"Yes I do. But you also have to think, I have a kid and I want my child to see money that is earned from hard work, not fast money. Especially not money that could risk your life on day." I said.

I quickly realized how this shifted the vibe of the whole room but I feel like this conversation needed to get brought to light.

I took a deep breath. "Of course I've made my mistakes and ended up not communicating them and let them get worse. Which is one of the reasons as to why I believe I just dropped everything and left. But I know for a fact I did that because I didn't want to be tempted to come back. I knew that if I kept looking at my phone waiting for a text or a post I would feel so left out and butthurt. I didn't want that. I wanted to be able to be there for my son and show him that this isn't the life he deserves nor the one he needs." I looked around at all of their faces.

They seemed to really listen to what I had to say but not shocked.

"We know Lani. We just needed to hear you say it." Ru said.

"But how's that gonna be possible when Isaac is the son of Oscar? Mr. Mafia man or whatever the fuck he's doing now." Monse said.

"Well it's been working these last couple of months.  So hopefully it continues too." I sighed. "Oscar came over to my house a couple nights ago. He was continuously telling me how I can take him away from his kid. Which I'm not. But he kept nagging on to me about it. But he also has to understand that he through me and his son out on the fucking road. He also came over there to try to fuck me after all that shit. Also side not he just walked right into my fucking house like what the fuck?" I laughed at the memory because it baffles me.

They laughed along with me.

We sat there and talked for hours about everything we've all gone through these past couple of months. I can't believe I missed out on so much. Especially Ru's life. I'm his best friend, I should've been there. I'm just happy Jamal, Monse and Cesar were there to help him.

Wait. Cesar.

"Hey guys whatever happened with Cesar?" I asked.

They all looked at each other and then at me.

"What?" I laughed. "It can't be that bad can it?"

They didn't say anything still.

"Wait what am I missing?" I said seriously.

"Cesar's been locked up for almost a year now Lani." Ru said.

I looked at Monse with softened eyes. I felt bad for her. That was her first love and she had to hear about that.

"Well what did he do?" I questioned.

"He lit the Prophets trap on fire." Jamal said.

Holy shit. I really did miss a lot.


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