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Leilani's POV: (6 months later...)

I've been hustling for the past six months. Busting tables, working extra shifts, having more than two jobs. I've been working my ass off. I've always told myself if I ever had to be a single mother I'd be able to provide for them in anyway I can. I'm going to make sure my kid can have the most even if it's for least.

I haven't heard from Oscar. I don't care, but Issac does. I'm trying to raise him to not hate his dad. I'm going to let him know my side of the story eventually and let him know how I felt in the situation, obviously when he's much older. But for now, that's going to be Issac's decision on how he wants to love his father.

I also forgot to mention. I live in Miami, Florida now. I just needed to leave Freeridge, get out of that toxic place and start fresh. I started completely fresh, deleted all phone numbers, socials, and any app that anybody could contact me on. I only had Geny's number. I know I shouldn't have cut off Ru, Jamal, Monse, and Cesar like that. Well believe it or not we still talked mostly everyday even after they all left. But I just need a break from everybody and need to make my own life out here.


Me and Issac were watching his favorite show when I got a call. I ruffled his hair, "I'll be in the kitchen, okay chubs."

He giggled. "Okay Momma."

I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"You sound cheerful." My heart sank. I was literally just getting to the point where I was thinking about him everyday.

"That's because I am. I'm doing great you?"

He intimidatingly laughed. "That's great to hear, I'm doing fine. But when am I going to be able to see my kid."

"Thanksgiving or Christmas, you'll know where I'll be. You call and let me know before hand, and we can figure something out." I let out a deep breath.

He paused and hung up.

I rolled my eyes and walked back in the living room I sat down on the couch with Issac in my arms again.

A few minutes pass and I shuffling coming from the other room.

I whisper to Issac. "Stay here and don't make a sound." He went to speak but I put a finger over his mouth and he just shook his head.

I grabbed the gun that I hid under the couch and started to slowly walk towards the noise.

"Come out from behind the wall Leilani. I know your there." I gasped and immediately covered my mouth. There's no way.

"I just couldn't seem to wait till Thanksgiving or Christmas." Oscar said coming from around the the wall.

Teehee. I honestly don't know where I'm going with this book at this point. But I'm trying anyways my bad from the lack of updating. I've just had a lack of motivation for everything lately.


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