Chapter 4 -Beginning pt. 2-

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Leilani's POV:

"Hey compa." Oscar said smirking at me.

I quickly put my shirt on and take my air pods out.

"What in the name of aids are you in my house fuck ass." I say pissed the fuck off.

"Calm down, I just came to check on you. I know you didn't go to school."

"You couldn't of just sent me a text?" I say annoyed trying to calm. Trying to stay not bothered.

"Why your right across the street. Also does the group know that your this big of a pot head?" he said pointing to the table and shelf I dedicate to my precious weed and pills. Luckily for me the pills are in the cabinet hidden.

"Uhh..... I... you.... Shut the fuck up asshole." I say laughing

"But for real can you not tell them, they know I smoke once like every so often. But not like mostly everyday." I say pleading.

"Yeah but what do I get out of it?" He said smirking.

"I don't know being a good person." I look at him like he's dumb.

He was about to speak when my phone started blowing up with texts.

It what stupid bitch :) (my "mom" for you guys that forget)

Stupid Bitch: Are you gonna come see me or are even at least try to call me or just abandon me like your father.

Stupid Bitch: I knew I should have aborted you.

Stupid Bitch: I can't wait to smack you when I see you.

Stupid Bitch: I swear to god Leilani Eve Santiago


Leilani: I was just getting ready to leave. Lo siento.

Stupid Bitch: Whatever.

Leilani: See ya in a bit.

I look from my phone to see Oscar staring down at me.

"Hey, I gotta get to the hospital. To see my mom, so rain check on this conversation?" I say positive so he can jut let me go on my way.

"No need. I'll give you a ride." He said smiling down on me. For the fact that this man is 6'2 225 pounds and I'm only 5'2 1/2 and 135 pounds.

"Don't. I don't want you to go out of your way. I could get a ride some way else."

"But I'm not I have free time to day. And plus that's what compas are for."

"Your never gonna stop that compas thing are you?" I giggled.

~On the way to the hospital~

I kept getting texts from people which is not out of the norm but like people think that the only people I talk to are Cesar, Jamal, Monse, Ruby, and however else that's associated with them. I could tell Oscar was getting sus. So I had to put that shit on do not disturb because your girl does not need unwanted drama.

"People won't stop hitting your line chica." he chuckled.

"Ahahaha nah it's just the group chat." I let out a sigh.

"What's up with your mom?" he asked.

"She has cancer and she's weak. But the doctors say it's not gonna be fatal but just to be safe they want her there taking medicine, doing therapy and all that shit." I say flat. Genuinely not giving a damn about this conversation.

He let out a big sigh, "Hard times. I get it. But don't get angry at the world Lei, shit never gets solved that way-"

I cut him off. " I know, I know. Stay positive and all that bullshit that gets fed to you when your going through something like this."

"Damn. Angry?" he said smiling.


(Italics means what he's thinking inside his head)

"Damn. Angry?" I said smiling.

"Yeah kinda. I don't want to hear that shit. If shit goes bad it goes bad. Don't butter shit up just tell people how it is. It's not that hard. Deal with your shit. Figure it out. Don't be a baby back bitch to shit. Like damn. Deal the cards you were dealt with." she said this knowing she meant in general.

She thinks like me. I like that. :))

"You've been keeping that in for awhile now haven't you?"

"Yeah." she says in a low tone.


(Italics are what she's thinking)

We arrived at the hospital. I told Oscar I could get a ride from one of the nurse's home but he just wouldn't budged and I don't know why. But I didn't mind he was actually good company.

I walk to the secretaries desk and let them know who I am and get Oscar signed in. We get our visitors badges and head to my "mom's" room.

When I get there I see multiple doctors and nurses crowding near the room and I'm starting to get hopeful.

I walk past and realize that it wasn't her room. FUCKING BULLSHIT SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE TO PASS!!! But R.I.P. to you stranger.

Oscar interrupted my thoughts when he started to talk.

He was getting a phone call. "Hey I gotta take this. Room 315 right?"

"Okay and your correct." I said that and it looked like he was going near the vending machines.

I head into my Cami's room ("mom")

"What's good?"

"What's good. You ungrateful little brat you haven't talked to me in two fucking days and a "What's good" is all you have to say. I knew I should have aborted you. Your not worth even talking to. That's why your father left because of you. If you didn't happen then I would be happy." she said that looking me dead in the eyes.

I'm not gonna sit here and say that, that didn't just hurt but it did. But thug it out or whateva

"Oh so now you don't want to say anything? Of course your weak. A weak, scared little girl. What are you gonna do with out me? Hmm? I mean let's be real Leilani, you have no friends, no ones gonna love you, and you don't even have a future. Once I die you have nothing. Not a single thing Leilani." She just sat there looking at me like I was stupid.

I mean she's not wrong but she's not all right either. People like me but they don't love me. And she's right once she leaves there's going to be nothing to worry about. I won't have to raise a grown woman anymore and finally live 100% freely.

"Okay." That's all I managed to get out. Stay not bothered, especially if it's her.

I walked out of the room. And Oscar was standing there.

"Hey I was just out to come in." he said.

"No it's okay, she's really tired she had to do a lot of therapy today." I said reasuringly.

~In The Car Going Home~

(Still Leilani's POV, and Italics for what they are thinking.)

"So what's up with your mom?" Oscar said breaking the silence.

"I already told you."

"No, why was she talking to you like that?" he sounded pissed.

Okay now is when shit actually starts to get real.

This is also really like wow.

Anyways you should vote for my book and you get a cookie so thanks.


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