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Leilani's POV:

I arrived at the location Sad Eyes told me to go to. I had a gut feeling that something good wasn't about to happen. I know I should just turn around and not even get myself involved, but I can't. I know Sad Eyes manipulated me by telling me that Ru, Jamal, and Monse are gonna get killed if I don't do something. I just have to know, because I don't know I feel like that would be worse than not knowing anything at all.

Sad Eyes was waiting for me by the entrance of this building. It looked almost abandoned. He looked concerned and not in a sympathetic way. He opened the door for me and walked into the building with me.

The building was dim, and somewhat open. It was cleaned up but you could still tell it was an older building based off of the rust, from the railing and the crevices. There was a main level with half of it open and the other have was two closed off rooms. There was a half second level and then a full third level.

This all sketched me out and all I could think about is how this was a set up. Oscar has something to do with this, I can feel it. There's no chance in hell that Sad Eyes would take me all the way out to this building if there wasn't more too it.

"We go to go to the third floor." Sad Eyes spoke and started walking towards the stairs.

I paused a moment and bit my lip. I shook my head. "If you set me up Sad Eyes, I promise you on every fucking thing, I will kill you."

I could see that he was slightly intimidated but more worried.

I continued to follow him up the stairs until we got to the third level. He looked at me and then looked at the door in front of us.

He knocked on it twice.

There's other people inside that room. He said he wanted this to between us.

This was a fucking set up.

I took a step back to turn around but I ran into a somebody. I turned around to see, what I'm assuming is a bodyguard.

I know exactly who's too. Oscar's.

I just laughed. "You're a real bitch Sad Eyes."

He just shook his head and the door finally opened.

He walked in and I stubbornly followed. Of course I could've tried harder to get away but if there was one person trying to stop me from leaving this building, there were definitely dozens more.

I walked into the room and saw a slight smirk on Oscar's face.

"Fucking cunt." I mumbled.

"A hello would be nice Leilani." Oscar spoke.

"What the fuck did I get dragged out here for?" I snapped.

"Calm down." Oscar said placing his hands on the table in front of him. He let out a deep breath.

"Sad Eyes you can wait downstairs." Oscar said and a guard e scoffed him out of the room. The two others that were in the room also left.

What in the fuck is going on here?

Once it was just the two of us he just devilishly smiled at me.

I opened my mouth to speak but he began to talk before I could. "You know attractive you looked when you're pissed off?"

I gave a sarcastic laugh. "Cut the shit. What am I doing here?"

He sat back in his chair for a moment.

"You know what you're doing here. You just want answers to all of your questions."

I looked at him like he was dumb. "Of course I want answers to my questions. You know exactly what they are, so start fucking explaining."

He shook his head. "Caesar is in prison because of both of us in a way." He stood up and began walking to the other side of the room. "He had to lead Los Santos for the south side, when I decided to become the leader of all of this." He started walking out of my sight. But I could see him out of a reflection on the wall. "You left and disappeared with a lot of loose ends which fucked Caesar over causing him too not be able to tie all of them. This left him with no other choice but to fuck them all over, this also caused more problems. This caused a lot of heat for the Santos which led Caesar to get caught and locked up." He began fiddling with something on the wall. I couldn't quite make out what it was from the reflection.

"I didn't leave any loose ends?"

A left out a small laugh. "I know you didn't. But everyone else thinks you did. Now knowing who the Santos are you're wondering why they haven't threatened or killed you yet. Well that because you're the mother of my child. If that wasn't the case, you'd be a lost cause."

Neither of us spoke for a moment. All I could do was think and all Oscar was doing was continuously fiddling with whatever was in his hands.

I don't understand how people believe it's my fault. It's not my fault and I'm not getting the whole truth.

"What's the truth?" I asked slightly turning my head to face him.

"That is the truth. How do you fix it? No idea. That's for you to figure out."

I rolled my eyes. "What am I suppose to do, get him out of prison?"


I huffed. "You're fucking unreal."

I just stared at my lap not knowing what to say. He didn't say anything else to me. He just stayed behind me.

Another moment passed and I heard him walk towards me. He stopped once he was behind the chair.

I couldn't look at him right now without wanting to unleash a lot of pent up rage.

I felt his hands go on the back of the chair.

"You know we were together for years Leilani. We had a kid together. We loved together. We went through some of the toughest shit together. Yet you can't be civil." Oscar finally spoke.

"That was your fault. Do not blame me for your actions."

His hands moved to my shoulders. I moved forward to try and get them off of me but he just pushed me back up against the chair.

"Can you get your hands off of me?"

He ignore my question. "I know it was my fault. I know it was. I've tried to make it right but you refused to allow me too."

"How were you going to make it right exactly Oscar? You never even proved that you at least improved yourself." He moved his hands up closer to my neck.

I would say I'm lying if I didn't enjoy his touch, I did. I love his touch, but it isn't right. It's not.

"You never gave me the time to change."

I scoffed. "Oh yes the fuck I did."

His left hand stayed between my shoulder and my neck and his right hand slowly traveled up my neck. He then started tracing my jaw line. Then grabbed my chin to have my look up at him.

He stared at me awhile. I kept breaking eye contact every so often because I was a little bit uncomfortable.

He let out a deep breath and kissed my forehead.

I was confused and he could see that. We held eye contact for a moment and the he placed a small gentle kiss on my lips.

I can't lie saying that I didn't miss this. I missed the affectionate Oscar that would me and protect me and do anything for me.

This kiss felt like home. It's felt comforting, it felt safe.

But that doesn't mean it was right.

"What was that for?" I asked a few seconds after we pulled away.

"However ever you're feeling after that, is why. The feeling is mutual." He said.

My head felt like it was spinning. What the actual fuck has today been?


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