Chapter 8-Change-

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Oscar's POV:

I got a call from one of my old friends who works for the Los Santos Drug Cartel. He told me that I had to go pick up Loopy. Which I found out that was Lei-fucking-lani. I choked on my beer when told he that. Leilani is Loopy?

There was no fucking way that we were talking about the same Leilani. But still though if it was, I'd be so fucking surprised. I even have some fear of Loopy even. Actually everyone does.

Loopy, is the biggest drug dealer over here. And no body fucks with her because of that and because rumor has it she killed two people in cold blood. I mean I can't talk but shit, damn. But I mean nobody knows what she looks like. She's always wearing a mask and glasses. I've seen her once when we were moving cocaine to Mexico. But that was the only time until now. But now I'll actually see her face.

Leilani's POV:

I'm gonna throw up. Theres no way Mouse called him out of all people.

"Common let's go fool." He said smiling at me.

I followed him into his car. We didn't say anything to each other until we pulled out of the police station. But I noticed that he wasn't going back home.

"Yo, it's the other way." I said bluntly.

"Oops, to bad your spending the day with me...Loopy." he said looking over at me.

"Umm, how did yo-" he cut me off.

"Mouse. But for real though Leilani. How in the hell are you Loopy. I mean shit, you cover your self up." he said laughing and just sat there in shock.

"Ahaha yeah, I guess. But promise me that you won't tell anybody." I said quick.

"Don't worry your cool. But one thing though since I got you out."


"Your gonna start selling on Santos block."

"Nah, I already have all my places and shit set. Ask our boss." I said with attitude. I fucking hated when people told me what to do like that.

"Not no more. I already worked it out with Cuchillos and Mouse. Your gonna start getting more deals in place here, so we can run the Prophet$ dry. Mouse gonna take someone new out on runs in shit, but now it's gonna be me and you."

"Is that was took you so long to come and get me?" I say annoyed.

"Yeah." he said lighting a cigarette and offered me one, and I gladly took it.

We were driving for about another 10 minutes when stopped in front of the peer.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"One, to ease you mind, two, so I can talk to you more face to face because I need to know everything."

"Oh." I said with my head down and following him out of the car.

He took us underneath a bridge. It was closed off nobody was gonna come over here.

"How'd you get in?"

"That's a long story." I said tearing up. But I looked away because I never cry let alone in front of people.

"It's cool we got all day." He said smirking at me.

"Can we talk about something else first." I glanced at him.

"Ight, how about the fact that your not wearing sweats." I said looking at me up down.

"Your such a dog." I said laughing, then sitting down and Oscar did the same.

"What I had to look. I've actually got to see it so you know." he smirked at me.

"Again your a DOG." I smiled.

"Okay back on topic, how'd you get in?"He said seriously.

"You know how to ruin a moment don't you?" I giggled.

"I'm serious." he said looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Okay fine."

Flashback to when Leilani was 11 years old

My mom was cracked out one again. Bills are late once again. Were gonna have to move. I'm gonna lose all my friends. I'm gonna lose everything. All because she doesn't know how to deal with her emotions.

I was scrolling through my snap and saw that there was a plug selling (Mouse) so I added him and texted him. We talked a few times a day I let him know that I needed the money. And he said he was going to take it into consideration with his boss (Cuchillos).

It was Friday night the night I was gonna meet up with Mouse. Little did I know that, that night would change my life entirely.

I snuck out and met up with him. He gave me the run on how I would make money, the nights I would do it and all of that.


There's only three ways in.

By blood,

Get fucked in,

or jumped.


Well Mouse took it upon himself to choose which one it was. He took me to any ally, covered my mouth, pushed me down and did it.

I tried screaming. I told him to stop but he didn't hear me it was just muffles.

After he did what he did. There was no turning back.


I hadn't even noticed the tear falling down my face and Oscar wiped it away and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Lei." he said in shock.

"That's not your apology to make." I said staring at the waves

"Hey umm, I know how you are about shit like this. Don't hurt him, not because I have care for him and shit, but because I already have a plan on taking my revenge so please. Don't fucking do it." I said getting pissed.

"Okay okay okay. But calm down, look me in my eyes and take a deep breath."

We were still hugging. I looked him in his eyes he grabbed my hand and did the thumb thing. Which made my heart melt.

I turned away and looked at the waves crashing along the shoreline.

But when I did he placed his hand on my chin and made me face him.

We both leaned and we kissed. But this time, it was just us.

Nothing could stop this moment.

As the kiss progressed it got more heated.

We both pulled away at the same time as if we were reading each others minds.

Oscar looked at me and said " You sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure." I smiled.

He stood up grabbed me by my hand and walked us back to the car.

He got in and started driving to an empty secluded part of the parking lot.

"You 100%?" He asked.

"110." I said climbing on top of him.

We picked up right where we left off and you know what happened next.

Now all I got to say is,

My bad Ruby.


Anyways don't forget to leave suggestions and feedback in the comments,

also vote for me thank you love


Unexpected ~ Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now