Chapter 2 -Background-

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Leilani's POV:

"Mouse I told you I can only deal a few nights a week."

"Okay then you'll be selling double a night." he scoffed.

I may be a smart ass, not scared to die, fearless bitch, but I don't wanna piss someone off right now when their helping me not the other way around.

"Alright that's fair." I said looking him in the eyes to put him at ease.

"Ight, so how many drops are you making tonight?"

"16." I said in a "huh" type of way.

"Why you say it like that?" he smirked.

"Just surprised on how may kids wanna pop pills, drink and smoke on a Wednesday night."

He laughed, " I guess you have a point but who's giving the drugs to them."

"Oh, you motherfucker!" I smiled.

~10 minutes later~

I'm walking around Brentwood.

With a green hoodie on, light blue skinny jeans and a bandanna around my neck to cover my face. I'm wear slightly tinted glasses so no one could see my eyes. There a blue-ish grey their eyes to spot if the cops ever caught me. Hence the reason I'm wearing green if I ever got snitched on, they'd think I'm a Prophet. They wouldn't think twice about checking down Santos territory for green. They knew they'd be there for another reason, to pick up a dead body.

I was making my last drop when I saw two blocks in front of me,

the red impala,

Oscar's red impala.

Wonder what he's was out here for?

At this point I texted Mouse to let him know that this was my last drop. Mouse said that he "Doesn't trust people, especially white rich ones." Which I understood. But he always stayed at least down the street or a block away from me just in case anything went wrong

The last guy finally came to the place I always meet him at. 5 minutes late. Shocker for once the plug isn't.

As I was handed the money I started walking away to Mouse's car. I then notice, Oscar driving in my direction, I made a run for it. I quickly ran three blocks the other way and hid behind a dumpster and texted Mouse to get me. I knew this about to be a fun conversation.

~In Mouse's car going back to the laundry mat~

"Why'd you have to run?" he said a bit annoyed

"I saw a Santo and I didn't feel like getting shot today." I said blankly.

"Makes sense, how much you make?"

I start flipping through bills, "2,340$" I said eyeing all of this cash I just made. And this was a slow night. I was only doing this because my mom can never pay the bills on time and I don't want to move. But I'm use to this life by now I've been doing this since I was 11.

"Damn, slow night, I guess people didn't want to get to fucked up on a Wednesday night." he chuckled and so did I.

"Here's your share." I said handing him is quarter.


I'm hopping the fence to get back into my yard, and my fat ass (literally) falls and knocks over the tin garbage cans. It's 3 a.m. In Freeridge. If anyone's awake or is awake they're either going think I'm getting robbed or there's a raccoon outside, I hope it's the second one.

So with that I have to now bolt for my back door just in case. Luckily I get into my house but before I can even set my stuff down. I notice through my front curtains someone running to my back yard,


I quietly make it to my room and change my clothes just to be safe if he knocks on the door or some heroic bull shit.

~ Knock Knock Knock ~

Wow I am really that psychic. But then I hear my back door squeal open.

I quietly get up and grab by strap and but it in the back of my sweat pants, holding it just to you know be safe.

I start quietly heading down the hallway when I feel someone looking at me, I quickly go and turn the light on to the dining room which could light up the living room and the kitchen.

Then I see him standing there in the kitchen looking at me.

Yea kinda weird but like at the same time he's trying to be like HeRoIc. LAME.


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