Chapter 7-Jail-

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Ruby's POV:

It's 6:30, Leilani was suppose to be here a half hour ago.

I've tried calling and texting her. So has my mom, Jamal, Cesar, and Monse. She hasn't answered at all. That isn't like her she at least would give a heads up that she wouldn't be able to make it. But I know she has nothing to do.

I want to go over there and see what the fuck is up but I'm still mad at her and I need to win this argument. She won the last one and I'm not trying to go through the "That's because I'm always right", stage for a whole ass week.

A few hours later (it's like 11:15 ish at this point)

There has been no sign of Leilani. She hasn't responded to anyone, which worries me because she wouldn't ghost me or the rest of the group for that matter. We haven't done anything.

So I'm deciding to swallow my pride and go to her house. I'm walking to her house with Cesar since he leaves right across the street.

I look at her house and it just feels off. I start to go up the door and knock. No answer. I do it a few more times. Still no answer. I use my spare key to get into the house. And she's not here, what the fuck.

Leilani's POV:

It's about 9 o'clock at this point, and I finally dropped the product. Made 5,250$ bitches.

Mouse offered to drive me home but I wanted to walk. It was only about a 30 minute walk from where we were at so I wasn't bothered plus I wanted to clear my head with all the shit that's been happening.

I'm about 15 minutes away from my house when a cop stops me.

"Hey mam." he said

"Yes officer." I said politely

"Do you know how late it is? How old are you?" he looked at me like I was stupid.

"Yes I know officerrr, Hammal, and 16."

"You do know your a minor out past curfew, right? So I will be giving you a ride home. Is there anyone who is home that is of legal age?"

"Oh no sir that really won't be necessary, I'm only about 15 minutes from home and no there isn't anybody home who is of legal age." I said starting to panic.

"Okay, I will need you to tell me your name and we will be going down to the station." He said looking at me with a disgusted look.

"My name is Leilani Santiago." I said looking away from his direction.

I hate that this happening. Like what the fuck, my life just never ends.

We were making our way down to the station. I wish I would have just said "Yes, officer my mother is home." But whatever I would just have to go back to the station regardless.

They take me to go fill out my papers. I'm practically shitting myself as I'm filling them out. There going to search me.

WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK! I have a ass load of cash on me, a few grams of weed, a pipe, 2 posh pluses and a juul.

Well fuck. Not only am I going to be stuck in jail tonight. But probably a few god damn months.

I'm done filling out my papers and now they're sending me into an interrogation room.


I'm sitting down in front of officer Hammal. We're just starring at each other until he says something.

"You know I thought you'd be in and out of here quick. But you know we do search through your shit and all I have to say is there is no way your going to get your self out of this one. You have 3 misdemeanors on you right now. 5 grams of weed, 2 posh pluses, a juul, and 5,250$ worth of cash. You want to explain yourself?" he said raising an eyebrow and putting his hands down on the table.

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