Chapter 30

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Leilani's POV: (2 years later)

(A/N)Leilani is 21 now and Oscar's like 24 btw if y'all were to lazy to do the math)

Everything changed.

I don't mean subtle little things that you get use to. I mean things that completely change you and the environment your around that doesn't make living easy to adjust.

Oscar, has never been do I say...angry and mean. I've never seen him be so, cold and hateful.

Even Isaac is scared to go around him sometimes. Not that Oscar's ever raged in front of him because he knows better. But now it's just Oscar's so closed of and hateful his own son! His two year old son is seeing that and doesn't want to be around that! It breaks my heart every time I think about it.


I was woken up by shifting in the bed. I looked over to see Oscar just getting into bed. I looked over at the clock to see it was 3:34 a.m.

"Your coming in late."I turned over.

"I have a lot of business to take care of."He said practically emotionless.

I put my hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes. It may be dark in the room but I can still see the sparkle in his eyes. I know the man that I fell in love with is still in there some where.

He wiped a tear that I hadn't even that fell.

"Why are you crying?"He said in annoyance and took my hand of his face.

"No reason actually. I didn't even realize until you wiped my tear away."I said and turned back over.

He scoffed.

I just laid there looking at the wall that I could barely see with the light coming in through the window. I was gradually falling asleep.

Then I heard little knocks at our door and soft whimpers.

I got up knowing Isaac got out of his room.

I opened the door to see a teary eyed two year old.

"Momma."He whines.

I picked him and started caring him back to his bedroom. "What Chubs?"I smiled.

"I scared."

I frowned. "Why you scared?"


"You had a bad dream?"I asked and he shook his head.

I opened the door to his room and placed him back on his bed.

"Your gonna be fine mijo. You gotta be brave."I kissed his forehead.

Oscar's POV:

A minute or two later I decided I was gonna follow Leilani and Isaac. I mean I barely see the kid anymore so why not.

I looked in the room see her on the floor next to the bed.

"Like a superhero?"Isaac asked and Leilani laughed. Hearing her laugh almost gave me a euphoric feeling, I haven't heard her genuinely laugh in so long.

"Just like a superhero."She said as she grabbed his hand.

"Is Poppa a superhero?"I smiled at Isaac's comment.

"My superhero."Leilani responded.

"Has Poppa saved you?"He asked innocently.

"Plenty of times of chubs."And I saw a tear fall down her face.

"Momma are you sad?"

She shook her head. "No, chubs. I'm happy." She let out a deep breath. "Get some sleep and be a superhero, okay?"

"Okay!"Isaac said all excited.

"I love you."She kissed his forehead before walking out.

"Love you too Momma."

She saw me at the door way.

"You could've been asleep by now. I had it all taken care of."She said.

"I'm your superhero?"I laughed as I picked her up bridal style.

"Mhm. What's with the sudden mood change?"She smiled.

I didn't answer. I didn't know why I was so happy all of a sudden. It was as if seeing her so happy made me happy.

Holy shit. Is that why I've been so miserable?

"I don't exactly know."I said.

"Well something made you pretty happy? Well happy enough to carry me all the way back to our bedroom."She laughed.

Yeah, I'm guessing this is why I've been so miserable. I really needed to be happy to make me happy, as selfish as that sounds it's true.

"Yeah. I think I just had a realization."I said throwing her on the bed.

"And that was?"She giggled as I crawled on top of her and started planting kisses everywhere.

"That seeing you happy makes me happy. I haven't been doing my job to keep you happy. I'm sorry for that Lei."I haven't seen her eyes glow this bright in such a long time.

"Say it again."

"Say what again?"I asked confused.

"My name."


I watched as she just giggled and had the biggest smile on her face.

I couldn't help but kiss her. Something I haven't done in such a long time.

We pulled away at the same time.

"I missed that."She said. "I've missed you."

Yes I know I'm a terrible author making you wait so long. I'm sorry school started and my mental is not doing so fabulous right now. :)))))...anyways there's really only going to be two to three chapters left of this book so better buckle up.

Also do y'all want a sequel when this end? I'm just asking because then I can plan how to end the book better..

Also I did not proof read this.... Ik terrible author once again... anyways chile...


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