Chapter 5 -Let The Truth Be Told-

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Oscar's POV: (at the hospital)

I went to take a call but it was just a spam. I started to head towards Leilani's Mom's room. But before I could even come through the door. I heard yelling and it wasn't coming from Leilani. I heard everything her mom said to her. I couldn't do anything, but I knew I was gonna say something. Maybe it wasn't what it sounded liked. Possibly could be a raging fit and you say shit you don't mean. I don't know and I hate getting myself caught up in other people's business but not when it comes to abuse.

I know it might seem strange but I have always looked at Leilani the most out of all Cesar's friends. She just stood out to me. She always spoke her mind but only if she was spoken to or if she really needed to get involved. She always held herself and I liked that about her. My thoughts were soon cut short by her leaving the room.

"Hey I was just about to come in."

"Nah, it's okay she's tired from therapy and shit." When she said that I knew that there was something she was hiding and it wasn't just a raging fight. It kinda all makes sense now. With the small scars I saw on her back and arms. And the bruises that seemed to be fading away.

We got back to the car and I started driving I couldn't handle it any more. I was just getting more and more pissed off just thinking about it.

Leilani's POV:

(Italics are thoughts, and flashback are italics bolded)

"What's up with your mom?" he asked pissed off.

"I already told you." I exclaimed in a "are you stupid" way.

"No, why was she talking to you like that?" he said looking like he was about to go into a fit of rage.

No no no no no no. Think fast and quick Lani.

"Oh, that she's just really pissed off at me for paying the landlord a day late and fucking with her credit. Plus she's on a lot of shit right now. And another thing we both say shit we don't mean when we're in rages like that so it's not a big deal." I said looking at him for reassurance.

I really hope he bought that because I don't think I can remember that many lies. He didn't respond he just kept looking at the road.

The rest of the car ride was silent. But we finally pulled into his drive way and some of the santos were there it was only 3 in the afternoon and there was a quince today for one of the santo's daughter so you know gotta show up or whatever.

"Thank you for the ride Oscar." I said dry.

I got out of the car and went back over to my house. I was getting stares from the about 15 that were there. One chica looked like she was about to pounce on me.


I was about to get in my feelings then I heard a knock at the front door. I answered it thinking it was gonna be Ruby.

No bitch, guess mother fucking who. Do you have a guess? Let's see if you were right.

"Hey-" he cut me off by walking into my house.

"Yes, Oscar you can come into my house no problem." I shut the door and turned around and looked at him he was about 2 feet away from me.

"What?" I say annoyed, trying to walk pasted him.

He still didn't say anything he just pushed me back when I was trying to walk away eventually he let me pass to get into the kitchen.

"So you just gonna stand there pissed off or...?" I questioned.

Unexpected ~ Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now