Chapter 10-Latrelle-

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Leilani's POV: ~2 weeks later~

2 weeks since me and Ruby talked. 2 weeks since the group cut me off. 2 weeks since I actually felt safe. 2 weeks since my life was normal.

2 weeks ago my life was as normal as I could have gotten it.

Me and Oscar are still together, I'm literally falling for him every second of everyday. I mean he called me his novia before officially asking me which through me off guard. By a lot.

Ruby's mom checks on me every couple of days.

My mom is getting worse. (thank god)

And being Loopy just became 150 times harder.

But I'm just going to have to except this change, I'm going to have to except that I'm no longer friends with the people I still consider family. Except that my life is no where beyond Freeridge. Except that this is what was suppose to happen and I can't change that. This is my life and I have to fix and except what comes in and out.

Time skip to Lunch (at school)

"Leilani Santiago, to the Mrs. Clark's Office. Thank you" came across the P/A system as I was walking to lunch.

Everyone started staring at me, mainly because they all found out about me and Oscar and because their are so many rumors on my name now.

"What? Y'all got staring problems?" I snapped and they all looked away.

I finally arrived at Mrs. Clark's office.

"Oh hello hun." Mrs. Clark said as she pulled me into a hug.


"Take a seat I have some good news." She said like she was about to explode.

"Okay." I said as I let out a nervous giggle.

"Your graduating!" she said taking my hands and waving them around.

I am so confused.

"Huh?" I gave her a confused expression.

"Leilani dear, you have all your credits. You can graduate Friday. You have AP credits, and 500 service hours when the minimum is 150. You've been working on your college degree since you were a Freshman. Leilani, all that hard work is starting to pay off. Your getting out of here Friday whether you like it or not." She said jumping up and down.

"Y-our serious r-igh-t. Don't play with me now. You for real?" I said with mixed emotions (happy and anxious).

"Yes! Obvisouly! Of course I'm being serious! You come in Friday and you'll be taking a photo for year book, put on a cap and get your diploma and your out of here before lunch." She walked around her desk and gave me another hug.

I was in shock. Did I really just graduate. It's Wednesday, that means one more day and a half of school. One last day and a half of this hell whole. One last time to show everyone what they missed. Friday, I will own this bitch.

I stood up and hugged her back.

"Mrs. Clark thank you so much. I couldn't have done this without you literally." I said tearing up happy tears.

"Anytime sweetie. Now go get back to lunch. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon." she said shooing me out of her office.

I wiped my tears and had a big smile on my face. Well that was until I saw them, the ex-group.

They looked at me and turned their backs.

My mood changed for 1/2 a second but then I realized I'm here with them for another day. Might as well make the best of it.

I walked passed them and waved and smiled like nothing ever happened. Was that petty?Obviously that's why I did it.

"Lani." I heard Monse call.

I immediately turned around.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"We told you to stay away from us. That includes, non-verbal interaction." she scoffed.

I don't understand why it's so bad for me to date a Santo but when Monse does it she's little miss perfect.

"Just being nice." I shrugged and put a smile on my face and walked away.

Ruby's POV:

I haven't seen her happy on her one like this before. Maybe she really didn't need us. Maybe she just grew out of us. Maybe her and Oscar are more interlocked than we thought.

So many thoughts were running through my mind when she walked away.

I just wanted her to be safe. I wanted her to always have my back like I had hers. But I can't watch her ruin her life. I can't stay watching someone I love ruin themselves for someone who's gonna break them.

I know she will come back when Oscar breaks her heart. I just have to wait till that happens.

And I understand that we have Cesar with us, but it's different. He wants out.

Leilani's POV:

As I was heading out of school. I saw the Prophet$ roll out too. And of course with my luck they saw me.

"Hey spooky's bitch. Get yo fine ass over here and fuck with a real man." Latrelle called out.

Gross I thought to myself as I was walking further away from where they were.

"Ay! Answer me when I'm talking to you!" He shouted as he ran up behind me.

"I got nothing to say to your bum ass." I was getting livid. This shit pisses me off more than anything.

"Ight but how about I make yo ass say some." He gave me a smirk then traced his thumb across my lip.

I instantly smacked his hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I yelled then walked away. Well tried too.

He grabbed me by my wrist then my flight and fight senses kicked in.

"I said don't fucking touch me!"I shouted then started rocking his shit.

I was beating the living shit out of him. I for sure broke his nose and dislocated his jaw. 100% gave him two black eyes and knocked some off his teeth out.

I estimate that I was beating his ass for about 37 seconds. Until I heard his little posy run over.

"Yo bitch better watch yourself!" I heard that then instantly ran.

I ran as fast as I could all the way to my house. Luckily it's not that far. But I knew that shit was about to go down between Santos and Prophet$.

And it's kind of my fault.

What do y'all think is about to happen?

And as always comment your feedback and suggestions, I for real want to know if y'all like where this book is going or not.


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