Chapter 15-Tatted Up-

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Leilani's POV:

I woke up around 9 and remembered everything that happened yesterday. My mood instantly went down. I was upset but I knew I couldn't dwell on this for too long, people switch up. So you gotta keep your guard up. Or in my case, a wall, a fence, the great wall of China, a moat and a whole ass army.

I started getting ready because I didn't know when Tati was gonna be here.

So an hour later after I showered and got ready I looked like this,

So an hour later after I showered and got ready I looked like this,

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I guess I made perfect timing because Tati texted me telling me she was on her way

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I guess I made perfect timing because Tati texted me telling me she was on her way.

About 20 minutes passed when she finally got here.

"Where's my food puta?"I laughed pulling her into a hug.

"Shit, I forgot but we can go get some in a bit."She said.

"Wanna come inside?"I looked at her eager ass.

"Yeah no shit."

"Damn girl, your house nice asf."She said walking around.

"Thanks b, but that's only cause it's clean."

"Clean or not it-"Tati got cut off by someone knocking on the door.

"Hold up."

I opened the door to see Cesar.

He pulled me outside.

"Since when have you known Tati?"He furrowed his brows.

"For a long ass time why?"I said with some attitude.

"You do know she runs with the Cartel right?"He said.

"Yeahhh, the problem issss?"I gave him a stank face.

"The problem is Leilani, you don't know who your messing around."

"Cesar. I'll be fine don't worry about me. I can hold my own, okay. So see you later."I said walking back into my house.

I knew Loopy was gonna come out one time or another. But right now was not the time.

"My bad T. Spooky's lil bro was here."I said walking into the kitchen.

"Speaking of, I heard you and hi-" I cut her off.

"He cheated on me yesterday and I broke up with him."I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Damn. I'm sorry girl, you didn't deserve that."She said bringing me into a hug.

"It's okay. But hey, you can't tell people where I stay at?"I said.

"I gotchu."She said before taking an inhale of her cart and passing it.

I took like 3, 20 second hits to get a lil buzzed.

"Have you got tatted yet?"She asked.

"Nah but I need and want to soon."

"Wait lets go get mines today, I know you got time before we go party hopping."I said excited.

"Oh my fucking god bet."

Time Skip To 3 hours Later

"BRO! They look good as fuck."I said.

I got these on my right hand

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I got these on my right hand

I got these on my right hand

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And this on my left wrist. (It's a rose cross representing Santos Cartel)

"Anytime Loopy."Tats smiled at me. (She went in her sunglasses and mask disguise)

"You hittin' up the party later?"I asked.

"I'll think about it."He smirked at me then went back to cleaning his station.

"So how does it feel?"She smiled.

"Different. For once I have something that's permanent."We laughed.

Lil Skies as

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Lil Skies as

Anthony (Tats) Johnson, 21, Santos and the Cartels' tattoo artist.

Sorry that this chapter is so short and dry but trust me the next chapter is so worth it.

Also to clear up any confusion only Mouse, Tati, Oscar and Cuchillos know Loopy's true identity (Leilani Santiago)


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